Good bye from heaven

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Feng Jiu: Dijun will you help me please?

Dong Hua was reading when heard Feng Jiu's voice asking for help, bringing his head up give her nod to go on, Feng Jiu: you know how much trouble I have to avoid suitors, they not give up and I'm tired of dealing with them, if you agree to help me they will lost all and I can be at ease finally.

Dijun knew how much marriage proposals she got and how she sent them away too well, while it wasn't something he was happy with still he couldn't do anything about it, he had no right to say a word against her father trying to give her a future. But now she was asking for help maybe he could help: what do you have in your mind?

Feng Jiu: oh, it's quite simple, tomorrow at orchid garden I have a meeting, you only have to company me before the other side comes along and kiss me at the right time, so he saw.

Dijun: are you drunk Feng Jiu?

Feng Jiu pound her leg on the ground in insistent: no I'm not. The second you kiss me in public everybody will know me as yours and I finally will be free.

Dijun turning his attention back to his reading just told: no

Well that kind of "no" was so familiar for Feng Jiu, every time he used that tone it was all settled but she not going to accept it this time, smiling she sat beside him and set her both hands on his shoulder, putting her face on them too, she stared up to his face, he still didn't react, so she sends her breath to his cheek before whispering in his ear: why not Dijun? Am I not that attractive to be kissed once?

Dijun puffed his breath and leaned his face to see hers: little fox you know the answer, you know the reason too, you also know what you are asking is inappropriate and impossible, so why bother to insist?

Feng Jiu was enjoying her teasing acts so she bites his earlobe gently before answering: Dijun you only need to kiss me once and I will be free for an eternity, isn't it a good deal?

Dong Hua still didn't buy her seductive moves so she gave in: ok then, just come with me and keep my hand, please?

Learning her face for a while finally accepted her wish after gently taking her hands off of his shoulder and putting them back at her sides.


They were standing in orchid garden hand to hand as Feng Jiu asked for, but silly Dijun thought she really will let go of her original plane, before the guy come in sight Feng Jiu heard his steps thanks to her foxy ears, she pulled Dijun's hand to get his attention before turning to him and cycled her arms around his neck, which give her a sight of an arising eyebrows Dijun, Feng Jiu: you really are too handsome for your own good

Dijun: little fox I thought we are supposed to keep hands not to hug me like this?

Leaning her head forward she answered: we did keep hands.

"oh?" it was all Dijun manage to say before sensing her lips on his. She kissed his lips softly before whispering inches far of them: Dijun if you can't give me a loving kiss how about a "helping me out" one? Can't you give me that either?

Dijun whispered back: you know I can't

Feng Jiu: so many already see I kissing you and hug you, if you not respond I will be free too, but this time I will be the fox princess who was rejected by Dong Hua Dijun in public and no one else will ask to marry me anymore

Dijun a little distract with her smooth moves of hands on his neck, and her breath on his lips: so even I kiss you or not you will have what you asked for

Feng Jiu: yes, I don't need your help for my previous issue, but now I need it for my face and dignity.

Dijun: oh we can't hurt Ching Chu's pride

Feng Jiu nod before kissing him again: so not hurt it

Dijun was lost in her eyes but he opened his mouth to reject her again when she used the opportunity and took his bottom lips in hers playing with it softly then bite it, finally shattered his guard.

Breaking the kiss so she can breathe in, Dijun gathered her in his arms, he wasn't mad about what they done just now but he knew it's not going to end well, putting his chin on her head he recalled their first meet.


Hello guys

Well I'm here with another story about Feng Jiu and Dong Hua, as I said before.

I have it all write down but just the first draft which need a lot of editing, so I'll try to update daily but if I'll fail I hope you stay patient and supportive.

Hope you enjoy it and thanks for your time.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now