Breaking the paths

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"You didn't seal them" Feng Jiu told in a hurt voice, Dijun just nod his head in approve and in his surprise Feng Jiu stands up in anger: Dijun you again choose for both of us by your own.

Dijun: Feng Jiu you are so young, you have a life in front of you, I can't make you suffer by my side. You were bind to me with magic but I was parting our paths with choice, it's not fair for you.

Feng Jiu: I told you before, I was in love with you not because of the fox magic, my heart chooses you years before that can happen, I was ready to live beside you and burden the heavy responsibility with you, but you push me away and now you have to stay alone again. Dijun I'm not going to love someone else, but I'm not going to come to you or insist in my relationship with you either, you just lost me, if you want me again you have to earn me this time.

Dijun tried to take her hand but she denied herself for the very first time: Dijun I was so excited to see you again, all I wanted was to be in your arms, but you done bad to me, again. Good bye Dong Hua.

She was gone for a while still he couldn't think straight, maybe he did wrong this time.

Feng Jiu went back to her duties and buried herself in work, Dijun wait a little for her anger to calm down and sent Zhong Lin three days after that to ask for Feng Jiu's return to heaven so they can keep on with their lesson which she rejected, he wait another three days and send Zhong Lin again who was rejected again. When he was rejected for the third time Dijun tried to reason with fox queen, Feng Jiu's grandmother but Feng Jiu answered: I give away my fox magic for him, the most powerful protection one can find or ask for, just to be by his side and he decide to denied my wish and sent me away without my protection to find some other guy to love, I'm very done with him honorable and matured reason and behave, just go back and told he only can have me as his wife after earn my forgiveness personally.

Hearing her words Dijun only sighed and told "maybe it's for better, she eventually will give up and find someone else." But he kept sending his messengers every three days for hundreds of years and be rejected as well. Until the heaven invite every ruler to attend a very specific gathering, the retirement of Tian Jun and coronation of Ye Hua, and as Ching Chu's Queen she had to come to this one.

And she did, he was standing in front of court entrance with Lian Song and Siming who gave him the last updates of power transforming from Tian Jun to Ye Hua when Feng Jiu came in their sight being accompanied with her friend Cheng Yu and Migu one step behind, she bowed in respect and great him in icy serious voice without looking him once and left with no hesitate. She heard Dijun voice calling for her in awe: "little fox" but didn't react.

Others saw the scene with total interest, it was a known truth that fox Queen was rejecting Dijun's invitations for past hundreds of years, as much as unbelievable it was still the fox Queen get all the respect she deserved. be the only one who get the invitation from Dijun was enough to get others respect but be the one who reject them for decades, well it was a legend.

Dijun want to talk to her this time, one way or another so he let her enter the court without any more drama as he took his way in too, in his please she was sat just where she was seating all those decades before, good thing heaven didn't forget to respect her properly. The ceremony began with announce of Lian Song and finished peacefully, knowing him very well Feng Jiu stand up to leave the court before Dijun find the chance to get to her but in her disbelief he was already outside the court waiting for her, grabbing her hand he vanished with her leaving so many shocked faces behind them.

He took her to his palace and shout the doors before releasing her hand, he sat down and watch her angry face with joy, it was very long since they met.

Feng Jiu knew him too well, he was in a play mood and will not leave her alone, so she sat across him and conjured a tea set for herself which Dijun did the same.

They keep drinking in silence, staring at each other face. Feng Jiu thought "I'm not losing this time Dijun, maybe you are retire but I can take a vacation as well, let see who surrender first"

Dijun hide his smile at her thoughts and fill his cup again. "thank heaven I choose tea not wine" Feng Jiu thought before fulling her teapot for the fourth time. She really wants to remind him, he is the one at guilt and he should start the conversation to apologize but she couldn't be the first one to talk so kept drinking.

Dijun was a master in patience part while his little fox wasn't the kind at all, he admits during their complicated past she improved her abilities in that scope well but still she will end the hard silence soon or later.

If heaven had nights it was already took place of day, while Lian Song and Siming were smiling at long time of shout doors of Taichen palace Feng Jiu finally gave in and break the silence: is Dijun going to say something or I just need to kneel to get his majesty's forgiveness?

Dijun smiled: little fox I missed you.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now