Take the middle

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Dijun: little fox I missed you

Well that was something she could take as a start.

Feng Jiu: I'm listening Dijun

Dijun chuckled, why he thought just that much will be enough? Still he couldn't just begin to confess: don't push it little fox

Feng Jiu: OK then, I'll come back another thousand years to hear your second sentences.

Dijun chuckled again: come here, I'm not that good with words but I'm quite capable in acts.

Feng Jiu smiled teasingly: are you? Then why it took this long to act?

She still was drinking calmly, same as Dijun. It seems even their words fight wasn't enough to make their cold mask be removed.

Dijun: what if we marry and you regret later? Once I take you, you will be mine till the very end.

"Finally some real talk" Feng Jiu thought: if you did seal my red fox magic we didn't have to consider this.

Dijun: and waste your whole life?

Feng Jiu: then you should not remove your name of that stupid rock, like the realms are dependent on your love life.

Dijun chuckled again: it was depending on it little fox. I did what I have to do.

Feng Jiu: Dong Hua answer me a question

Become disarm of his name coming out of her mouth for the very first time without anger he nods; "did you see the name next to yours when you removed your own?" another node; "was it my name?" and node again.

Feng Jiu smiled bitterly: so you already ask me to support your choice for our life when you saw my name and did what you did.

Dijun you knew I will be a member of Bai clan, you knew I'll be a nine tailed fox, you knew about our fox magic, and when you saw me you recognized me, when you ask me here you sealed the road you once choose, you did these all and I accept all as you ask so why you couldn't accept my only wish? Why keep pushing me away?

Dijun: I was selfish with you and only come to my mind recently.

Feng Jiu: that's what you think Dijun, in my opinion your last act was your most selfish one.

Dijun: little fox what should I do to comfort you a little?

Feng Jiu: you already knew the answer

Dijun: so you are willingly marry me in a marriage without consummation? You will live that life with me for eternity?

Feng Jiu: Dijun if everything was gone as it has to go, I should mate as my aunt and grandmother, we should never get in path with each other, you never get to seal my fox magic. We already took care of mine part, it's only yours what remained, so don't think about an eternity.

Dijun smiled: you are right Feng Jiu but we can't be sure, as I said once you accept me there is no way back, no matter what your red fox spirit command, I will never let you go.

Feng Jiu: still selfish then?

Dijun: old habits little fox.

Feng Jiu standing up: then I be waiting for your formal propose in my lands, you not earn me yet Dijun.

Opening the palace doors Dijun assured her.

Feng Jiu find a couple of people waiting for them outside the Taichen Palace, she smiled and vanished toward her lands, put the unpleasant answering for Dijun to handle, who come out right after her and saw the group; Dijun: Zhong Lin prepare Taichen Palace, and be ready for couple of event in near coming days.

Lian Song: Dijun what happened, why you shout door on Feng Jiu?

Dijun: soon you have to call her your highness so just start right now.

His mouth become wide open: are you taking an empress?

Dijun: yes, she finally won me over

Siming: wasn't your majesty who shout the doors for almost two days?

Dijun just gave him a stare before leaving for Ching Chu, he need to win his little fox over.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now