ARC02.CH01- They say I'm not enough for you

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When guests finally leave the couple Dijun take his bride to her own chambers, they choose to live in heaven because of that tradition, here each of them could have their own room but if they decide to stay in Ching Chu the separate room means a huge disgrace toward Feng Jiu, as the queen she has so many responsibilities but instead of unnecessary discomfort with Ching Chu's people she decide to live in heaven and come and gone for her responsibilities.

The two of them stayed in the middle of the room, Feng Jiu's hand in Dijun's. she used all the time she wanted before finally accept his marriage proposal, even after Dijun get the permission of Bai clan still Feng Jiu announced as the queen she decide for herself. What she didn't know was that Dijun enjoyed all the way and effort he put to get his little fox.

Dijun: little fox I told them to prepare your old room, you must be tired take some rest.

He was about to leave the room when Feng Jiu hugged him from behind: Dijun are you taking revenge or you are just back to your normal way?

He didn't answer, smiling she whispered: Dong Hua are you going to leave me in our wedding night?

Dijun felt like a strong thunder shook him from inside, she spoke in a tone he never heard from her before. Thinking he still is mad she continued: if you leave me now, tomorrow all heaven will speak about me.

He turned around and hugged her: little fox I thought I sealed your fox magic.

"huh" was all she managed to say, it was a very very long time since he hugged her this way, even after the sealing part she left him and declined any nearly touch. She missed him a lot.

Dijun: you just tried to seduce me little fox

"I didn't"

She told before putting her chin on his chest to look up at his face: if I wanted to seduce you I didn't need to suffer this much Dijun

He smiled at her innocent look, she always is so sweet until you make her do something she doesn't like. "OK little fox you didn't try"

He looked at her face as her eyes shine in happiness, she wins their first argument as a couple.

They sat and talked for a while, although they agreed on a non-consummating marriage but didn't talk about it clearly, Feng Jiu believed it's not that complicated, here they have their own room, and for Dijun, well he just care about her and if she is fine this way there is nothing more to be concern about.

They talked until Feng Jiu's eyes closed, she was leaning at his chest while he was smoothing her hairs, seeing her closed eyes Dijun help her lean to her bed before kissing her forehead. He sat beside the bed and watch Feng Jiu's sleep face for a while, she was his little fox, his beloved and playful princess, his demanding queen and finally his empress.

How much he felt happy only he knows, at the same time how much pain he felt, this one only he knows too. "Only if...." He repeated this two words in his mind since he saw this little fox princess, it was their marriage night after a very long and rough road they had to pass and still he had to leave her. "I am the protector of love Dijun, I understand your duty about protecting the peace" she whispered sensing his discomfort.

His eyes meet hers, they were lost in each other eyes, for several minutes, or maybe days, even years, he had no idea of the time and couldn't care any less, she was his empress, not because of her magic, but because of her own choice. He was staring at her with love and desire, not because she mate him, but because he love her freely.

"Stay with me a little longer" she said and he accepted.

"I love you little fox, you are mine for the eternity" she heard his whisper before falling sleep.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now