karma is here

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"can you two please stop making more fox babies? Ye Hua is killing me already, asking for another child" Bai Qian told when she went to meet her niece and her new twin.

"I can't help it aunty, Dong Hua says he gave his words to grandmother to help her rebuilt her clan the first time they met and since you married to celestial clan your children will get their name after them so the burden fell on us" Feng Jiu answered smiling shyly, her husband become more shameless by the time. "beside when the time came for Gun Gun to mate but he didn't show any sign you know we felt happy and hopeful, later when triplet get to the age and they haven't the magic... well you can imagine how excited he became." She continued her words in hope to calm down her frowny aunt.

"I don't need to imagine how excited he became I can see it with my own eyes." Bai Qian answered pointing to two baby fox sleeping beside their mother, "by the way it seems like you finished all new colors so you went back to old red and white" she was smiling, the little red girl fox was like Feng Jiu and she rise her niece herself so she could say the new baby borne is to become her favorite. and the baby boy has white fur, he will be his second brother favorite grandchild. Gun Gun was so much like his father to can be his favorite one and the triplet were so troublemaker, not his favorite type at all.

Feng Jiu only smiled and told she will ask his husband to unseal the Kunlun munition, which make her aunt happy and satisfied, but not much enough to tease her about having twin again, her husband don't keep any face for her.

There was a time that the title of little princess had only one owner, and it was Bai Feng Jiu of Ching Chu, but after the marriage of her the title seen several owner by the time, the next one in line were triplet of queen and by telling little princess you could mean any of them, the fact that the girls had same looks and were very playful wasn't a help either, they used to switch position with each other, one act instead of all, transform to their fox form and surprised others with their unique appearances, in human form they have red hairs with a little of silver ones among them, but the fox form, they were purple, how so? Still a mystery!

The girls still could consider as little princess of Ching Chu when the forth girl of Queen borne, she was like her mother with red fur, and the apple of her father's eyes. From what was said Dijun love his family, his wife most of course but his children too, everybody knew and everybody respect, but the little princess was something else for him, being like her mother she give him the opportunity to see how his beloved wife was when she was a kid, but not just Dijun others member of family loved the little princess more than others, even her twin brother was quite protective and doted to her, to the point to argue with his father for her.

"I am serious this time, no more baby" Feng Jiu told Dong Hua when the twin were almost five thousand years, it was her birthday and they trusted their children to Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen to go for their who knows how many of their honeymoons.

"I'm agree little fox, I barely see you any more" Dong Hua answered while helping her to their bedroom.

Feng Jiu laughed, it was far away of truth, no matter how old their children were, Dong Hua never let their private time be less than a measure, but to still be called as little fox after having six children was so nice.

"I'm just happy that we don't need to be worry for twins becoming the age" she said and he showed his happiness instead of answering.


Thunders were crashing everything for past seven days most of all in Kunlun mountain.

"father and mother put all their effort for me and girls, they almost seal us inside the home when they thought we are at the line. I still can't forget those innocent girls, they get invitation to our home to examine if I spell them or not, father seemed unhappy when I didn't mate any so he had to keep sharing mother with me; then with girls, those poor boys, they came with invitation of mother and run away with angry gazes of father, I think mother was interest to marry girls off so she can have father all for herself, my parents are pathetic" Gun Gun told, he was at Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen's, drinking wine and chatting. "little Luo was scared when she heard about those experience of us, she was so happy she don't have to be seal inside home, considering how much father love her she would be prison inside if father would think she has the magic" he end his words.

Zhe Yan was smiling, "it was your father blindness, your little sister is as popular as your mother was, he should guess what this mean" he told drinking his own wine.

"you knew this can happen?" Gun Gun asked with wide open eyes.

Zhe Yan chocked on his drink while he was trying to silence Gun Gun, "don't mention it in front of your father otherwise I will be dead for sure"

"I don't like white robe so I don't want to mourning, you can be at ease" Gun Gun answered without looking at him.

"The kid used to be much better when he was a little boy and didn't spend much time with his father", Zhe Yan thought, shaking his head.


"He was in his mountain for 55 thousand years and everything was great, he was free to come out for past 20 thousand years but he decided to come out just now, and to come straight to my house, and to meet up with my baby girl. I should just killed him back then, how he dared to take my girl." Dong Hua told walking around their room, Feng Jiu was seat in their bed watching her angry husband, he was angry for the past seven days, the thunders were attacking every were but he was talking for the first time, he knew there is nothing they can do as much as she knew. To be honest she wasn't mad either, sure their girl was still too young and Mo Yuan was too old for her but she couldn't say anything about these two subjects, she was married to the oldest alive being and was quite happy. Beside these two she couldn't see anything wrong. Last time they met Mo Yuan he making them sure that he has no remain feelings for her, he spend a lot of his time in isolation and finding the core of his feelings he untied it, so when he met with her daughter he was free of any emotions toward other women and the fact that her daughter mate him was the proof too.

Why between all five of their children only Bai Luo has the fox magic was an unanswered question but now was late for that any way.

"I seal her magic and imprison him again" Dijun told.

"you will not, I not give you permission to make our daughter suffer the same we suffered for a long time" Feng Jiu jumped in her feet and walked toward him.

"little fox I have to" he said, avoiding his wife's eyes.

"no you not, back then we believed we have to be separate, we thought we are serving the peace of realms, but now what is making our daughter to be separate from whom she loves? You know Mo Yuan is long out of my magic, he was free and little Luo choose him freely too, just let them be happy." Feng Jiu make him to look in her eyes, bringing down his face and caressed his forehead trying to ease the frown on it, her husband love their little daughter so much and the memory of Mo Yuan in their yard in Taichen Palace was still alive for him, but she would do anything to give the life her daughter want to her.

"little fox what if he doesn't treat her well, he is an old man who only know how to fight" he whispered gathering her in his arms.

"you are an old man too and you fight more than anyone else, but you treat me best, beside by you as her father and Bai clan as her family who dare to make her sad?" Feng Jiu answered a smile in her voice and her eyes shining as she talked about him.


The engagement between god of war and little princess of Ching Chu stayed the most shocking news for generations, "as long as fox clan are around life stay interesting" Siming once told his old friend while they were returning from wedding banquet of little princess and Mo Yuan, the picture of Dijun sending murdering gaze to his first son in law and Feng Jiu's hand around his forearm, while young prince, the twin brother of little princess was hugging his sister and Gun Gun was making sure to tell all his conditions to Mo Yuan and triples were teaching Kunlun disciples how they should behave toward their baby sister was alive in his eyes after all years that passed, but as much as the picture was memorably the thing that had most effect was the eyes of Mo Yuan capturing little princess's, the two of them seemed lost in each other's aware of everything happening around them, whispering love by their look.

"The end"


Hi guys 

Well the end is here, I was planing to say some last words but now I'm writing I find nothing, it seems the story talk for itself! 

Just this! maybe not everything were settle till the end but life never can be settle completely and this story was a picture of life, so let the characters keep on their lives some place out, maybe in our imagination, maybe with other stories. 

Thank you all for your support and hope to see you in next one.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now