The mistress of Taichen palace

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"did you hear the news about his majesty Dijun and her highness?"

" about not spending the night together? that's old news"

" oh no not that, today third prince reach Taichen palace soon in the morning and saw Dijun taking her highness to her own room. he said when he asked about it Dijun confirmed that he can't concentrate when her highness is in the room so he always takes her away when he gets up."

"is that the case?"

" yes, third prince even said it's no wonder why her highness sleep until late at the morning, after all they not the same at strength"

"what is this meaning?"

"isn't obvious? it means her highness got tired of nightly activities"

The group fell in laughter before getting to their work, Feng Jiu was still asleep but the news reached everywhere already, Lian song like to gossip that's for sure but in this particular matter he took it as his duty to share the news as soon and as wide as possible.

Dijun heard the gossip on his way to court and smiled secretly, of course it wasn't his type to get in the middle of this kind of subjects but for Feng Jiu he will do anything, if these little words can hurt her so they need to change, she suffered enough for him no need for more.

That morning when Feng Jiu woke up her maid informed her about the rumors, she felt her cheeks burn in shame but at the same time she was grateful of Dijun, it really shouldn't bother her but it did and Dijun put an act to solve it for her, her upright and headstrong husband act just for her, she need to thank him. Feng Jiu felt all playful again like her old time in heaven when she was still the little princess of Ching Chu, she asked her maids about her husband and notice he is in morning court, now she was the mistress of Taichen palace and the queen of Ching Chu but she was more excited to care about ceremonies and face.

Court was done and a group of gods were standing outside the place, in the middle of cycle his majesty Dijun and in his company third prince Lian song, heavenly lord Ye Hua, star lord Siming, first prince the father of current heavenly lord, the lord of thunder and the god of fire, they were discussing something in serious faces when Dijun sensed Feng Jiu's present, he turned around and saw her in her fox form running toward him, he smiled, she must heard the rumors and forgot her current position out of her excitement, he confess in his mind that he missed this playful and childish face of her beloved empress.

Feng Jiu was so concentrated on Dijun face that she lost other faces turning toward her and staring in awe, she run toward Dijun and with a lengthens jump reach his waiting arms, but she was more excited than she thinks that she turns back to her human form unintentionally, it didn't happen for thousands of years yet it had to happen just now.

Dijun get his little fox in her jump and smile down to her, he wanted to bring her closer to himself when she turned back in her human form, he was surprised and from the look in her face she was too, now he had his empress in his arms in front of royal court palace and in the middle of almost every important god, life still was interesting when his little fox was around, he laughed and lowered his face to hers: that was a nice greeting.

Feng Jiu felt her face turning red and her skin's heat increase secondly, she put down her face and whispered his name.

The other gods didn't know what to do, turn around, leave the scene or acted like nothing happened, but the third prince keep his laugh hardly and kept looking at the couple. Feng Jiu asked Dijun to put her down which he declined and telling others that he can't lose the opportunity to company his empress left the group still having Feng Jiu in his arms.

Feng Jiu felt embarrassed at first and wanted to apologize but since he didn't care why should she so she cycled her arms around his neck and enjoyed the long walk to their palace.


Zhong Lin entered his room after a long and hard day, Taichen palace had its empress for last century and evening was just at peace which was strange, comparing with her highness personality the routine of the event wasn't expected at all, but Zhong Lin thought since her highness become the queen of her lands then the empress of Taichen palace she must got mature too, he just was about to believe that when her highness makes a scene in front of everyone this very day. he sighed, his majesty wasn't a help either, he leaves the group smiling and not very step ahead kissed her highness, Zhong Lin had to comfort so many people since this morning, and answer so many about the behave of his lord and lady, no one can ask them, of course, but they can ask him, poor Zhong Lin, he entered his room in tiredness to get some rest but in his shock her highness was in his room, sitting on the shelf of his window and staring him in..... "in anger?" Zong Lin thought silently, he never saw her highness angry, she was so sweet and kind to get angry, but now he should confess, aside of his majesty Dijun her highness anger was the scariest face he ever saw.

"Give me the list Zhong Lin"

He jumped out of his coma by her voice and bowed before answering, "which list your highness?"

Feng Jiu: the name and title of all who came to my husband bedchamber after our engagement.

He looked in fear, he could sense the danger in her voice: there is no such a list.

Feng Jiu: then make one, I want it before the sunset of tomorrow and do not dare to forget a single name.

He need to ask; he really need to ask: can I ask why your highness order such a list

She stands up of her position and he took some step back unintentionally: I had a lot in hand, coming and going to my own kingdom, and adapting to heaven costumes, it was your duty to keep away those girls of my husband room, Dong Hua never care to act in this matters, and I was busy, but where were you that those girls found their way inside the bedchamber of my husband every night?

He shuddered in his place, he didn't see that coming, but really why he didn't see it? he kneeled down: I am guilty and I accept my punishment

Feng Jiu: just give me the list, if this happens again I will punish you, but for this time I let it go. I know in heaven men can have a harem and I as the wife of Dijun should accept that, but you all forget that as much as I am the empress of Dong Hua Dijun he is the consort prince of the queen of Ching Chu and in Ching Chu we don't share our husband.

She started to walk out of his room while saying: just give me the list.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now