Illusion can't replace reality

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"kitty I heard your husband prisoned my shifu inside Kunlun mountain"

Feng Jiu really was afraid of this conversation with her aunt, she knew how much her aunt respect her shifu and care for him, right now he has her heart's blood and her husband's internal power inside himself, and Feng Jiu disrespect that important man more than once.

She kneeled and bowed toward her aunt: Feng Jiu is at fault; I ask aunt to punish me.

"it is your husband not you" Bai Qian reminded her.

"aunt doesn't know the whole truth, it is my fault, Dong Hua did that to protect me" Feng Jiu told still kneeling, she refuse to stand up and told everything of past four months, "Dijun gave them all the poison, it succeeds with Siming and Zhong Lin in first try and by erasing their memory of when they met me that morning they forget how they feel too, for aunt's big brothers, we had to give them the poison again and erase their memory since that morning but high god Mo Yuan kept his feelings even when his memories erased, so my husband decide to seal the mountain, he told Mo Yuan will notice hardly, since he barely come out of his mountain , then we met with your big brothers and asked them to take care of him, I was so afraid that they get angry of Dijun but they actually support the decision and promised to help your shifu." she finished her words this way.

Bai Qian stared at her niece speechless. It wasn't her fault, even her brother made much more troubles, Feng Jiu didn't know this can happen, her third brother was right at the end, maybe their magic was a curse not a gift. but then again if it wasn't for that their little Jiu couldn't get her husband till the end, a gift or a curse, she wasn't sure anymore.

"what you will do now? we can't leave shifu on his own for all the eternity" she asked finally.

"Dong Hua is with Zhe Yan, he called for him, it seems he has an idea, I hope his idea will be as useful as grandma's" Feng Jiu answered.

Bai Qian: "oh I heard how useful her idea was, Zhe Yan told me your husband admitted he is tired after you two came back"

Feng Jiu blushed in red: that old phoenix can't keep his tongue, Cheng Yu was here this morning teasing me. I bet all the heaven heard about it already.


"So what you say is we need another fox for Mo Yuan so he let go of my wife?"

Dijun asked Zhe Yan in deathly gaze, Zhe Yan was smiling teasingly, obviously enjoying his disaster. If it was anyone else he simply sends the guy to his death for having eyes on his wife, but killing the god of war and the son of heavenly father could bring much attention and trouble, and he doesn't like more attention on his wife, especially on her fox charms, "now that I think I can remember his words praising Bai Zhen several times, should Bai Zhen give the poor man a visit?"

Zhe Yan considered giving Dijun some medicine to make sure he never can have children, maybe then he realized he can't come after his mate, but instead smiled and answered: you know they only mate for once, well all of them except your wife, but since Feng Jiu charmed him after mating you, certainly her daughter will choose him too.

Zhe Yan watched in enjoyment, even the frozen state of his precious trees worth the look in Dong Hua's face.

"You mean I sent my daughter to Mo Yuan?" he did look deathly when asked.

"do you see any other option? you even erased his memory yet he still walked around in his mountain whispering love poems for Feng Jiu '' Zhe Yan felt a little sad for the god in front of him so he answered a little smoother.

Dijun sighed: there is no need for him to come out of his mountain, he barely came out anyway, and he will stay there, I find more students for him so he has something to do, I think A Li is a good choice, he isn't too smart and he is playful, he keeps Mo Yuan attention at himself, talk to Ye Hua and send the boy.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now