second honeymoon

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"you must tell me everything" it was what Cheng Yu told, she came soon in the morning to find Feng Jiu. After Feng Jiu's running away and coming back, Dijun took her to the Holy Blue Sea for a whole month "to wash their longing feelings away" as Lian Song call it and they just came back yesterday.

Feng Jiu: there is not much to tell.

Cheng Yu: you are not serious I'm sure, do you have any idea of what all of us went through while you were lost?

Feng Jiu smiled shyly: actually no

Cheng Yu: that is obvious, well first tell me where you where that even Dijun wasn't able to find you?

Feng Jiu: in Ching Chu, in my home

Cheng Yu: but Dijun searched there, how you hide yourself from him?

Feng Jiu: don't tell him, but I know he will search heaven first so I stayed in Ching Chu, then when he was about to come there I came back to heaven and wait for him to searched Ching Chu before leaving for there again.

Cheng Yu stare for a moment before falling in loud laugh, she cheated Dong Hua Dijun so simply yet brilliant: it's awesome, but who helped you with news so you knew when you should be where?

"Zhe Yan" Feng Jiu answered smiling.

Cheng Yu: so you heard the thunders and saw the weather when you were in Ching Chu.

Feng Jiu: no, I was in Ching Chu but Zhe Yan put a shield around my residence to hide me form outside and outside from me, he told I'm not trusted to stay inside by my own will in case something happens, so it's better if I can't see the outside.

Cheng Yu: then it means you really don't know what we experienced.

Feng Jiu: stop repeating that and tell me.

Cheng Yu chuckled: well that morning that you left, I was still sleep when I heard a very very loud sound, I jumped out of my sweet dreams and take it as the sound must be form falling a sky, I ran out and saw the always light sky of heaven was dark, there was rainstorm and repeatedly thunders which hit the ground deeply, flowers and tree's shaving of windblown like they were about to break down; and my dear empress that was the weather we had during your hide and seek play.

Feng Jiu listened in surprise, did Dong Hua get that much worry? Cheng Yu's next words were more shocking: the next thing I sensed was some weird and cold magic come though me for several times one layer after the other, later Lian Song told me it was Dijun's searching spell for you, I still don't know what kind of magic that was, I was staying outside of my chamber and suddenly felt cold waves attacking me, I didn't see where they come neither know what to do or what they want to do with me, you probably can imagine how afraid I was.

After a while I felt the magic leaving my body but the cold feel stayed with me. Not just me, heaven stayed at frozen state, the same with every other place that Dijun searched for you after here.

We were all scared, none of us experience Dijun's anger before, but that morning and the days after that we saw what is told in books and believe me no one wants to see that again.

Well when "we" were scared just thought about those whom done wrong toward you, I heard that Tian Jun stayed inside his chamber and didn't set a foot out in scare to meet Dijun and remind him about his previous behaves toward you, he even summoned his sons and grandsons along with his generals to his chamber to guard him. poor Tian Jun, when his messenger found Lian Song he was assisting Dijun in his search for you, Lian Song told me when the messenger announced that his father asked for his attend Dijun give poor guy a look which he ran for his life even forgetting to bow, then Tian Jun heard that he interfered Dijun search and make him mad so our respected Tian Jun scared even more to the point that he almost lost his mind.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now