give them something to talk about

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He woke up by a very gentle touch on his face, he could sense Feng Jiu’s perfume all around the room, he never told her to not enter his room, he visited her room time to time even if never stayed for the night but she never came to him, the other night after she told about what she heard she turn back to her fox form and ran away, even when he insisted to meet her she declined and asked to be alone.
Feng Jiu: they say I’m not enough for you. they say you not let me in your room, where so many were before me.
"why do you care about others' words?" he asked her, still keeping his eyes closed. hearing his voice Feng Jiu wanted to move aside but he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward himself. she gasped when sensed his arm rounding around her shoulder while put the other on her waist, he finally opened his eyes and met hers, rubbing her waist he whispered: little fox, finally you come to your husband's room.
Feng Jiu: I didn't get the chance sooner; you have someone else here every night.
Dijun: I never had any one "here" beside you.
Feng Jiu: don't try to lie to me, even if the maids didn't say those words I still knew how much gust you have, same as proposals.
He sealed his hands in each other on her waist make her lean closer to his body, turning his eyes on her face he kissed her chin before sending his warm breath to her lips.
"you should have more faith in your husband"
Feng Jiu felt a little dizzy, it's true she was the one who kept the distance, she didn't let herself to go close to him, well she didn't trust herself, her fox spirit asked her for so many things that she can't give it so the best choice was to stay away, now that his face was this close, with his arms around her and that warm voice of him, she can't concentrate. Dijun saw the fire built up on her eyes and felt his own blood boiling up, his usually cold skin felt hot suddenly, he knew he should let her go but after what she heard and after watching her silence status for past years he couldn't sent her away right now, this time his little fox will hurt deeply.
"Dijun, I think it's better if I leave now" she whispered when she saw the want and desire in his dark eyes.
"No matter how many come to this room, it is only you who come to my arms, never forget this Feng Jiu"
She did forget that, she was the only one who ever touched him and hugged him, she accepted his words by shaking her head lightly. And gasped again when suddenly find herself pinned to the bed with Dijun body on top of her own: "you forget this very easily little fox, I need to remind you" he whispered inches away of her lips before capture them, she felt his lips playing with hers lightly before bite her lower lip and make her shake in bed, he felt her body respond and deepened the kiss, make her open her mouth and give his tongue way in, she find herself kissing him back, her hands was pinned across her wastes, their fingers lock in each other, he moved their hands above her head still capturing her fingers in his own, she felt breathless, her blood running speedily, her heart beating too fast, she keep trying to move her body under his and gasped for breath when he released her lips. he put his forehead on her and heard her whisper: Dijun we can't
"shh, the universe will not collapse just for a kiss", he moved his face and watch hers, her cheeks burn in red and her lips apart still breathing deeply. "not even for two" he said before leaning to kiss her again.
Dijun opens his eyes and saw sleeping face of Feng Jiu, he smiled and tightened his arms around her, last night when she want to leave his room he asked her to stay for the night, they both were on heat and he taught only she can cool the high heat he felt all over his body, he gathered her in his arms and whispered in her ears until she fell asleep.
He sensed Lian song aura nearing his chambers and smiled, he walked out of his bed chambers just in time, having sleeping Feng Jiu in arms, and saw Lian Song's wide open gaze on themselves but ignored him: "where are you taking her?"
Dijun heard Lian Song: her own bedroom
Lian Song: why should you take her, just let her stay for once.
He could feel his disapprove voice, he heard the rumors of course and he care for Feng Jiu: I can't concentrate when she is in room
Dijun told in his indifferent tone but that was all was needed, Lian Song: so you take her to her room when you wake up… like always?
He gave him a look: what do you think?
"oh oh ohohohoh, I get it now, I have something to attend I come back later" Lian Song told in excitement before turn around and leave in hurry, he didn't see the smiling face of Dijun neither found out that he just falls in his trap.
"little fox that’s all I can do for now" Dijun whispered as he lowered his head and kissed the sleepy Feng Jiu on top of her nose.    

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now