I earned you

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"little princess Dijun is waiting outside for a while, you shouldn't offend him this way" Migu said this with an obvious rejection in his eyes.

Feng Jiu: then go to him and send him away, I have some work to do.

Migu shook his head in disapproval, but she was so stubborn, he knew this way too good so left the room to send the ultimate god away, thank heaven he liked their little princess, otherwise his head would be off of his neck.

Dijun smiled at Migu which made him shake in fear, he heard of Dijun's smile, anyone who gets it will end in much trouble: Dijun please forgive me but her highness told she had some important issue to take care and can't receive your majesty for now.

Dijun: did she ask me to leave?

Migu: her highness didn't say anything about that.

Dijun: well then I'll wait here.

He waved his hand and built an altar, inside it a table with two seats and a tea set, right in front of the cave entrance.

Migu watched in awe as Dijun walked in and sat: Migu tell her highness that I'm an old man and I can't wait on my feet like his uncle Ye Hua, I'll wait for her here.

Migu bowed and left his sights, the two of them were in a rough fight.

Feng Jiu didn't come out the whole day, but the night... nights are always different, she really wants to show the beauty of Ching Chu's night to Dijun, if she does that it won't be considered as a lose, will it?

Dijun watched Feng Jiu as she coming out of her cave, he never saw her in the dark of night and the shine of stars, no thanks to heaven. the atmosphere around them, the smooth play of wind with trees, the glowing flower under moon light, the candle in her hand, all suit her very well. she belongs here. she belongs to the arm of mother of earth. her creature goal was to protect the core of life; heaven, him, his complicated mind, his empty life, none of them suit her. "she not belongs to me." he murmured in an awe, but Feng Jiu heard it.

Feng Jiu: Dijun I thought you came here to earn me, but it ends up hurting me again.

" I am here to earn you" he answered smiling

Feng Jiu: by saying I'm not belong to you?

Dijun: come here little fox, let have a drink and talk

he waited for her to sit across him before filling her cup with tea. Feng Jiu: why are you here Dijun?

Dijun: I'm not a good talker Feng Jiu and you know that, just now when I saw you walking out of your cave I understood you do belong to nature, you can't be happy in heaven, not mentioning other reasons, but I'm still here. I can't let go of you, but if you be wise you will run away from me

Feng Jiu: And what if I don't want to be wise?

Dijun: then marry me

Feng Jiu keeps drinking her tea without answering, she pretends to not notice his gaze on herself which was making a hole in her face.

he was losing his tolerance but wants to give her time, finally she spoke: it's true I'm a queen but I still need my family permission to get married, you should go to my father and ask him Dijun.

Dijun walked around the table and stand beside her, taking her hand he helped her to stand up, he took her hand to his lips and put a kiss on it before saying: I'm going to your grandmother instead of your father, whatever she says is a final word and we know each other for a long time. prepare yourself little fox, you will enter Taichen Palace very soon.

"End of article one"


Hello every one,

This is the final chapter of article one but i can say that the second article is the main part of the story.

I just wanted for them to face difficulties together and to achieve that i give them some more troubling issue and shared they journey to become one before getting to the main part.

I hope you enjoy it until now and stay with the story for the rest.

Thanks for your time 

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now