Days of separations

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Dijun had a very normal day like always. Honestly after the times of battles which were so annoying and full of sorrow it came his days of being the heaven lord but again those days weren't good either. those political issues and responsibilities he had to keep on with.

Mu Yan was the god of war and very soon found his own way of life, he left for Kunlun mountain and took the teaching life.

Zhe Yan too, he buried his weapon deep and left for a life with wine.

If one of two showed interest in the position he happily gave it away, but instead he stuck with that unwanted power.

Even after he discharged himself from the throne still his days kept being the same until one day a little fox jumped in the lake and washed him all over. it was after that when he finally saw how life can be for normal people, the 10 days of a year which he gifted with for thousands of years were the only times of his long life to be considered as living, so when Feng Ju had to return and they had to keep the distance, of course he himself fulfilled that need. It wasn't much different for him, he was living this life for so long but on the other hand she couldn't and shouldn't do the same. She was free and playful and must stay the same as long as possible. so when he left for his bedchamber and saw a letter which definitely wasn't there before and had the sense of little fox he smiled, today wasn't just another day after all.

"Dijun, I feel guilty for you stocking in your palace, except for the formal meeting which I invite directly, I'm not planning to come to heaven anymore. I do appreciate your concern and sacrifice to give me freedom but without you the heavens look so empty, I kept coming in hope that the feelings became less but it didn't, so I'm not coming there anymore. Please feel free to enjoy your days around the lakes and fishing every single remaining one."

That was all, she wrote to say she was not coming anymore. okay he couldn't see her but knowing she randomly visited increased the beauty of the place.

He still was thinking of answering or not when the second letter appeared: "Dijun I forget to say in last thousands of years without you by my side to gaze after heaven lord and made him sweat I didn't like to tease him anymore but being a very good ruler he taught since you are not in court I lost my courage and start commenting about it, well his try to ease his previous shame was more fun than that court of yours so I didn't react at all, now you are attending to court after a very long time you can use these information to scared him a little and entertainment yourself. I can't wait for Lian Song to come and describe your actions and others faces.

Dijun laughed at her letter and remembered her first visit to court, it was her first time she came to his palace 23 thousand years ago when he Want to know her better in hope that the thinking stopped and asked for Zhe Yan who came in a puzzlement face:

Zhe Yan was staring at the letter in his hand, it was the first time Dijun inviting him to his place after the times of war, it can't be a good thing, the old rock god couldn't be change suddenly and invite him for tea beside Feng Ju already told him about her meeting with him: "I helped Dijun in fishing and cooking. Did you know he is so bad at both? I really don't know how he survived until now, but no need to be worry any more, I will go there and cook for him so he not starves anymore."

Zhe Yan was so in awe to answer so just smiled at her and now get the invitation from Dijun, he sighed nervously and wished to can calm him down, Feng Ju was so lovely to be end by his sword. Maybe he should call for her family to protect her, but who can defeat Dong Hua if he wants to fight, maybe without fox family he can talk reasonable with him and seek his forgiveness.

Seating across the table Zhe Yan nervously chuckled: I hope Feng Ju didn't offended you? She told me she came to your palace.

Dijun: let me see, first she spied me for hours, then jumped in lake and wash me over by its water all face and robe, then told I'm an awful fisher and sheaf without any power and state who her father will not accept as his in law and way too old so nobody will say wrong words even if she come to my place often, then she said she respect me as "former" ruler but I offended her as "future" queen by not going to her birthday.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now