The court at fire

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The next day Feng Ju reached Dijun room to find out he is already gone so she ask her maid to show the way, the maid introduced her to guard and with them announcing her arrive she entered the room.

Lian Song looked up with hearing little princess name, he like fox princess a lot, since she attended Taichen Palace, it become much lively and more important his beloved Cheng Yu loved princess so of course he likes her too. He saw her walking in, wearing a light pink rob, having her Braided hair On one shoulder with wild flowers designing them and a crown of same flowers on her head. She was beautiful, even in her simple dress and without any make up she was more pretty than other girls of the room, except for her dear Cheng Yu of course. He turns his look to Dijun and saw his smile, hiding his mouth with his fan told Siming: I have a feeling that we are going to have a show, let set back and enjoy it.

Siming: someone is in trouble, I can say it at Dijun's smile.

Lian Song: I don't think anybody be able to disturb princess, I'm curious who will be.

While they were talking Feng Ju was walking through the present people, with a smile on her face while walked playfully and without bowing to anyone. She reaches the front space of the room, lowing her head as a bow toward Tian Jun while naming him as heaven lord with extra impress at "heaven" part.

Dijun was watching her in joy, she is in her play mood obviously, after respecting Tian Jun she looked around and told in a very amused voice: why everyone is staring at me? Oh could be my dress? You see my maids told me since I'm coming in present of heaven lord I have to wear a formal dress, but considering my grandfather and how he is busy with taking care of Ching Chu and its people that never have time to make rules about others dresses I thought my maids are teasing me, how silly of me. Just give me a second and I'll change.

Ending her words, she waved her hand and got change in a red formal grown as fire and a crown on her head, combined of gold and red pearls.

Now she has a light make up too, red lipstick, wild eyes and dark eyelashes. Like her look wasn't enough her playful and friendly look and smile was vanished, her look become firm and her smile like a queen, a powerful one, so many gasp in surprise, she took away their breath. Even Dijun stayed staring at her, she obviously was beautiful but now that finally she acted serious her beauty become more obvious.

Feng Ju smiling asked Tian Jun: I hope this be in heavenly lord taste. It's my formalist dress which is made for my coronation day but I reject it. It's too fantasy for me, I'm going to take the crown so I can help and protect my people not to wear fantasies dresses.

Before Tian Jun can make his mind and answered someone else called for her: your highness looks quite beautiful and elegant.

Turning toward the voice Feng Ju scanned up and down the person before answering: smiling face, white rob, a fan in hand; third prince of heaven, Lian Song.

Lian Song lower his head: your highness knowledge of me is an honor.

Feng Ju really bowed to him: let me show my respect toward third prince who only choose one and stayed straight on his choice even in mean of smiling always.

Lian Song never expect the fox princess understand and say it out loud this easy, he was afraid if his father gets her point and make more difficulties for his beloved Cheng Yu who spoke right then: your highness really does flatter third prince.

Feng Ju turned toward the voice again: gorges and brave, only one goddess talks her mind in heaven, you must be Cheng Yu, I really admire you, please come and join me for some tea or wine in Taichen Palace.

Cheng Yu smiled widely and answered she definitely will go; before Feng Jiu turned toward Dijun and ask: where should I seat Dijun?

Dijun still smiling: where ever you want princess.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now