Making the way

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He saw her handwriting at the corner of the last portrait he drew and tried to hide of a little red nine tailed fox.

"Let the life begin

Let the time pass

Let the heart beat

Let the eye shine

Be the start of the life, the name of the heart, the source of the light"

She was an awful writer but he loved her words, he hoped he could answer her the same before she left: "Dijun aren't you regret your choice?"


"not even for me?"

"not even for you"

Her little later remembered him of his own to fox queen, after their first meet:

"That little fox" Dijun murmured with himself while seating to fishing, she done something to him in just one meeting that no one was able of for all his life. He felt something wrong inside of him, remembering incident days he called for Siming: Siming what you know about Bai Feng Ju of Ching Chu?

Siming lost his voice at once, since when Dijun call others to ask about somebody else, little princess wasn't someone who put the peace in danger so there was no reason for Dijun to ask about her highness, yet he had to answer: I didn't have the honor to meet her highness in person but from what I heard the little princess have a very lively spirit, running around Ching Chu's lands in her fox form she almost is friend with every one, she knew her people by name and details, caring for them more than what a member of royal family usually do, make Ching Chu's people love her highness deeply and look forward to her days of ruling to come.

As a very well-known matter the fox clan and most of all the royal clan of nine tailed foxes fell in love so deeply, so after her highness birth lord Bai Yi and his queen keep traveling and her highness raised up by her aunt the only single one among the clan most of all, but the forth son on Bai Zhen and his partner high god Zhe Yan played a very important rule too.

To report to your majesty, I should say being so important and adore by everyone beside the phrase of being a lovely spirit and the stories of her highness good behave I have nothing more to offer.

Dijun set him free with a nod and as much as he loved to stay and asked about Dijun's suddenly interest in little princess he didn't dare to so he took his leave.

Dijun rose up and left for his study rooms too. The fox princess made him think a lot, there must be something wrong.

Several days more gone by still he was thinking about her, there must be something very wrong. Seating beside his reading table he took out some papers thinking about fox princess using same way to cook for him. he wrote to fox empress, for the very first time. It was always the fox queen who write him about that certain matter, even if he did care he never answered them. Asking about her grandchild status he recalled the very old days, the time of wars. Back then he had several generals under command but the most promised one where Bai Zhi, Mo Yuan and Zhe Yan, no wonder they stood in high rank until now. Having different battle field all at once he assigned each one to a different place to took the main rule so they didn't get to see each other for many decades. Still was handling a bloody attack he be told about two of his best generals chasing after one goddess, not long after they decide on a life and death fight. Become so angry he was considering killing both as a sample, the goddess as the main reason or the three of them as the hole problem. Years after he secretly felt happy to be deep in duties which didn't give him the time to go and kill them all.

Late of same night a white nine tailed fox sneak in his camp. Transforming to a young goddess knelled down and ask permission to speak. Being aware of many females sneaking into his chambers one look was enough to understand this young lady isn't like others, she had something important to attend in the dark of night to his private chamber to talk, so he gave the permission and young goddess rose to sat across him.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now