let see who is more powerful

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Dijun sighed and watched her as she left his eye sides. Feng Jiu got him wrong, he didn't fool her, it's just back then, when he saw her coming up of the stairs he knew he never can lose her again, so he told the only that could keep her by his side, he said those words and put the part of making it right for later, and he did think about a way, but no matter how he looked at their situation he couldn't find any. then he thought since they are immortals they have plenty of time so no need to rush things, he has all the time to think about it over and over again, but he miscalculated his little fox's patience and just now he makes a mistake by not telling these to her.

He thought she need some time to calm down then he will talk to her, so he stands up to leave for his study room when suddenly remembered his exact same words from three years ago which end up to almost losing her and his desperate search for her in all realms, what if she does something silly this time. He sighed again and teleport himself to Ching Chu. She wasn't in her cave and Migu told she didn't come there either so he went to Zhe Yan place.

"two visit in one day, someone would tell it's an honor" Zhe Yan teased fanning himself.

"did she come for your help again?" Dijun asked while he was scanning the area for Feng Jiu's present.

Zhe Yan: don't tell me you lost your wife again? What did you do this time?

Dijun: it's just a misunderstanding, she thinks I fooled her.

Zhe Yan: it seems you are improving since you are searching for her right away not three days after her leave.

Dijun: if she come here let me know.

"did she know it's all a misunderstanding?" He turns to leave when Zhe Yan ask it and make him froze in his position. How he didn't think about that, she told him several times if he not keeps his words she will keep hers, and now she thinks he isn't going to keep his. He turned to face old phoenix and his bare gaze answered him.

Zhe Yan sighed, the drama of this couple never end, good thing Zhen Zhen wasn't here: just tell me what you have done that your wife left you again, you have a talent in that, you know.

Dijun: speak of talent, I heard Bai Zhen spend at least half a year in his own lands.

Zhe Yan felt like be pounced, but he rather let it go, only Feng Jiu could win against Dong Hua: are you going to tell me or not?

Before Dijun could say anything he felt something, "she is trying to unseal her fox magic." He told it pressing his heart with his right hand.

Zhe Yan helped him to seat: what do you mean, how do you know.

Dijun: the fox magic is very old and powerful, to seal it I had to use a hint of my spirit which is under attack right now.

Zhe Yan couldn't hold his tongue: she knows if she unseals that you two have to be separate again, are you sure it's just a misunderstanding?

The hurt he felt at phoenix words make him to cough blood, he murmured angrily: I don't let her to leave me, never.

Zhe Yan watch him as he closed his eyes and concentrate on finding the source of pain which his separate part spirit was in, he coughs more blood but kept his search.

"she is at the rock"

Zhe Yan heard Dijun words before his figure vanishing in his purple magic.


Feng Jiu left Dijun but she wasn't mad, well she was, but not at Dong Hua, actually she was mad at everyone except him. She was a queen and knew how it is to be the responsible one, while she was the queen of one of five parts of Ching Chu in times of peace, Dong Hua was the responsible ruler of all existence. She saw a lot of his memories, even if he only shared better and more peaceful ones still she sensed the feelings, saw the battlefields, witnessed the people in sorrow, heard people who beg for mercy, she saw his figure standing there unable to save his loyal friends, she lived his loneliness. 

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now