When heavenly lord bow

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He was waiting for her letter for several hours, it was the very first time after a thousand of years that she didn't write immediately, it was always she who send the first note, he thought maybe she is waiting for him so once he started it, she had all the right to want that too, so he wrote to her.

Feng Jiu received the note while staring at white paper for past few hours, it wasn't her attend to make him write first, she just didn't felt good enough and couldn't find the words, getting the note she saw his handwriting asking if everything is alright.

Feng Jiu: no it's not

Dijun: what is it little fox?

Feng Jiu: Dijun loosing you just to two kiss wasn't fair, but at least it sends them all away, but again they start sending marriage proposal. I don't have the mood to deal with them.

Dijun: you know you have to marry one day

Feng Jiu: you are so heartless; how could you say that?

Dijun: it's not easy, but it's necessary

Feng Jiu: I'm quite capable of ruling alone, beside it's been already so many years and I didn't charm anyone or like anybody else than you.

Dijun: I know you can rule by your own but you should not stay alone

Feng Jiu: then find a way and stay with me

Dijun: you know there is no way little fox.

Feng Jiu: I will find a way, today or tomorrow

Dijun smiled, she is so stubborn, as long as she not hurts herself it doesn't matter.

Feng Jiu send another note: this last propose remind me of when I finally understand your high rank and my feelings, Dijun do you remember that? I was thinking what if heavenly lord never came to your place that day and I didn't get my mistake? Maybe I keep telling you handsome but at the same time find someone else and married? It was my fear to lose you that showed my true feelings.

Of course Dijun remembered that, she was so sweet all that evening, how can he forget it:

Feng Ju was in Dijun's study room playing gue, she asked him to teach her, she didn't know why but she just keep making excuses to spend more time near him and he always fall for her traps. at least she thought that way. well they were playing when Tian Jun entered the room and after bowing toward Dijun in respect great Feng Ju too who bowed her head and stand up to leave the room: Dijun since you have a guest now I take my leave.

Dijun waited for her to comes back long after heaven lord left but she didn't, he left his study room late of the night and sat in his bed still waiting for her footsteps to entered her room, across his. it was so late that he become worry for little fox when she walked toward his bed chamber and come to his bed straight, staying in front of him she lowered her head and start to talk in a very low voice: Dijun I really thought since you gave away your position you have no remain powers, I thought my behave toward you as the former ruler is quiet well since you don't have any current position. I'm so embarrass now, today when I saw heaven lord bowed to you I suddenly understand how blind I was, I should know even if you give away your throne still you are Dijun.

Dijun can you forgive me?

when I left you today at first I was smiling, even if I misjudge and behave wrong by you I could manage to ask for your forgiveness but then I thought what if you send me away? Dijun please don't send me away. punish me with anything you want but don't make me leave. I don't know why but I can't bear to leave you, I want to stay by your side.

she was showing a panic attack, it was shameful but Dijun was quite satisfied of her reaction and fear of become dismissed. she didn't even care for being in his bed chamber, she kept talking and asking for his forgiveness, Dijun rose his hand and called for her: come here little fox. taking her hand in his, he helped her to sat beside himself on the bed and caressing her back tried to calm her down: tell me little fox why are you afraid to be send away?

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now