The Taichen palace's invitation

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The next day so many of female's ditty from all around the realm get an invitation from Taichen palace, the common point in gusts was that every of them went inside Dijun bedchamber at least for once, so they suspected that Taichen palace is getting some consort which make so many regret their loss of chance.

Dijun heard about invitation too, thanks of third prince, "oh" was all he said. But inside he looks forward for the show that his little fox was about to make, it was already too long for her to not react, he was worry for her but thankfully she went back to her real self again.

"your wife bullied your loyal steward, he was fear to death" Lian Song told in hope to get some real reaction from Dijun.

But "good" was all he gets, he felt like he wants to kill himself "why is that good?"

Dijun: she was always too kind to him.

He watched him in silence for a moment then replied: don't tell me you are jealous of Zhong Lin?

If the look could kill Lian Song was death at that exact moment, "I think I should leave now" he told and run for his life with a "hm" of Dijun.

Well the guests thought that they are so lucky and took the invitation as their one chance of a life, because they didn't know the fox queen, the friends and families of the couple, who know Feng Jiu, felt pity for guests, except for Bai Qian who was very pleased of her niece, she smiled happily and leave her place to find her niece.

Bai Qian: I heard you have a banquet lately of day?

Feng Jiu great her aunt before answering: oh yes, I was too busy and felt guilty for it to take this long.

Bai Qian: you definitely took your time, but no need to feel bad, just make sure they have a memorable time here.

Feng Jiu: sure, gugu do you want to attend too?

Bai Qian thought for a bit then told she will come but stay invisible: I don't want to take your first act as Taichen palace empress.

Feng Jiu hugged her aunt and thank her for her support. She also sends someone to invite Cheng Yu, she was a good friend and help her a lot, how Feng Jiu could forget her in this particular event which is her favorite type?

News goes wild for sure, even Feng Jiu's fourth uncle and his mate high god Zhe Yan heard about it, they were enjoying they day inside the trees of peach blossom when Siming come and asked for their help: high god you know little princess, now her majesty Dijun and even her highness heavenly queen is at her side, she will destroy those poor girls, please take the middle and help them out.

It was Bai Zhen who answered: Siming those poor girls should think about this when they come after little Jiu husband, we can't do anything, i know she was too silent this past years but she will not listen to us.

Zhe Yan: I feel a little sad for them too, but it's time for Feng Jiu to take the things in her hand, the two of them went through so much that she didn't get her real position and status immediately, it seems everyone forget that she is the empress of Taichen palace, her status is the second just after her husband and she need to remind that to everyone.

Siming left the couple after bowing in respect with a concern face, Zhe Yan: that little girl... why she not invites us? I want to see what she does; do you think we need to sneak inside Dong Hua's room to get an invitation?

Bai Zhen gave him a look: oh I just remember, I need to discuss something with Qian Qian, mind to company me?

Zhe Yan stand up happily saying "not at all, not at all indeed"


Dijun find his way to kitchen where Feng Jiu was singing and preparing some dish: little fox I was informed that you targeting the peace of realms.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now