It's not a negotiation

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Smiling with all her face Feng Jiu bring out some paper and writes to Dijun, she finally finds a way, she can see him and touch him.

"Dijun seal my fox magic"

Dijun receive the letter when he was in court, sensing the smell of his little fox he gets worried, something argent must happen to her that she sent a letter now, so he opened it immediately and saw her handwriting saying to seal her magic: "what is wrong with you little fox" he murmured before leaving toward his chambers, the little fox need some serious talk.

Before he sends an answer her second note come along, explaining her first one:

"Dijun I find a way, I can't believe we never thought about it, it's so simple. We only need to seal my fox magic, then I can see you again and you don't have to stay in your palace anymore."

Well of course only Feng Jiu could talk about this matter like this, but it was too much, even for her. He receives her third note: "I'm not drunk Dijun."

He smiled and decide to wait until she finish her words then answer her, as he expected her forth note arrive soon: "it's a good idea Dijun and you know it."

Fifth just after that: "I'm going to do it, one way or another and you can't stop me."

Another one followed immediately: "you know when I set my mind on something I definitely do it, and it will grant our meet, so you better support me in this."

Finally she stopped sending her notes so Dijun find a time to answer:

"Little fox or you are drunk or you are teasing me, there is no other option. You know your fox magic is the most powerful thing to protect you, do you really think if it wasn't for that your family and I let you to travel around this easy? As long as you have your magic no one can effort to heart you, you attract them all, but if you seal your power away with that playful spirit of yours how we can seat in ease and be sure of your safety?"

Feng Jiu: "it's simple Dijun, just marry me"

Dijun froze in shock, this little fox wants his soul for sure, her comes and gone wasn't enough, now she asked him to marry her and seal her fox magic. How hard it was to stay mature and reject her wish, only he knows it himself.

Feng Jiu: "Dijun I already think it all over, when I said I'll do it one way or the other I was serious, I'll give you three days to think about it and do it yourself, after that I will leave and find a way myself. Dijun I not believe in calamity come to realms only because of our love life, but since you do believe it I have to find a way out. I know my fox magic is protecting me, but tell me can it be more protective than you?

I know we can't consummate our marriage, at least not until you believe in your love faith, but It doesn't mean we can't marry and be together

Dijun didn't you miss me? All these past decades when I was searching for a way to be with you, were you enjoying your peaceful life and forget all about me?"

Dijun sighed but didn't answered right away, she had a point but that kind of life wasn't something he want for her:

"Little fox you don't know what you are talking about. A marriage without consummating is worse than being alone. I'm not accept that."

Feng Jiu: "Dijun I give you a choice then, if what you all saying is true then it's my nine tailed fox magic that make me to stay with one person for all the eternity while my red fox magic sent me to a way to choose different and several. I give you the choice to seal them both or just one. If you really can see me by someone else's side just leave my red fox magic to stay.

Dijun it's not what I want, but since you never give others a choice I want to give you one.

I want you, no matter the price, but if you don't want me then you have to send me to other guy arms.

You have three days, after that I leave and not come back until it's too late.

And Dijun, I love you."

She was torturing him, or why she had to choose that words? Sending her to other guy's arms? There were many times that he wandered if she is a gift or a punishment which life sent to him. living without her become impossible but her every act was attending to heart him. his little fox really liked him in pain. If she said she will do it there is no negotiation, she surly do it, it's better to be himself. He was making his choice when her next massage came:

"Oh Dijun I forget to tell, if you reject my wish I'll mate you "

Dijun laughed out loud, his little fox was so demanding, good thing she only demand him. he decides to write to her grandmother and told her about her beloved little Jiu new hubby, he secretly hoped that the fox queen can talk reason with Feng Jiu, but in his disappointment she support her grandchild wish:

"Dijun you know how much my little Jiu was suffering because of your destiny, I really didn't think about sealing the magic as a solution but since she asks for it I advise to accept her wish and do it yourself. You know her even better than me, she will get it done, and if you not help her she will do her last part and mate you too.

I don't think you be able of killing her, and no one can kill you either, so you two have to deal with your situation, together better than alone."

Of course he couldn't kill her, he even couldn't let others kill himself, the peace maybe be settled but until his little fox be settle and safe he couldn't leave the world. Maybe he could go to seclusion like her two uncles, but if she finds a way to break the unique and old magic like her magic, she will find him and make a trouble, he had to accept her wish, at least a little bit of it.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now