Chapter 6

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"Every girl wants a bad guy to be good just for her and ever guy wants a good girl to be bad just for him. Crazy world."

Dedicated to O_leev_iah

Avery's POV


I wanted to scream aloud. Sometimes Val was just good at being annoying. How could she call girl code in a situation like that? I didn't want to be anywhere around Ian. The only exception was for basketball practice.

But Val was making it completely difficult to stay away from him.

We were at the snack corner of the Cinema, few minutes before the movie started. It was gonna be a horror movie but with Ian around, it's gonna be worse than a horror movie for me.

"Caramel or plain butter." Ian asked in his soft voice beside me, wanting to pay for my snacks.

"Thanks but I can help myself." I took a caramel popcorn and milkshake and paid for my snacks myself.

He didn't say anything.

I sat next to Val in the dark room but she made matters worse by switching sits with Ian. Suddenly, something told me she knew exactly what she was doing.

This is gonna be a long long movie

Few minutes gone from when we started the movie, I felt a hand around my shoulders.

"Don't do that." I instantly reached for his hand and lifted it off my shoulders.

I heard him exhale." Violet, what exactly did I do to you?" he whispered.

That question caught me off guard.
That's the thing. He didn't do anything to me.

I turned to face him. His emerald green eyes were looking straight at me. They weren't as vibrant as they were when we paired up.
There were dark circles under his eyes and I found myself wondering what could cause him sleepless nights.

"Nothing. You didn't do anything." I whispered, turning my gaze back to the movie and intending to end the conversation there.

He reached for my face with his both hands and gently turned it back to face him. The feel of his hands on my face, brought a whole new feeling to me.

"Then why?"

I held his hands firmly and removed them from my face.
"Consider it natural." I said.

Unconsciously, my eyes moved down to his lips. His lips. His thin pink lips then back to his eyes.

"That's not true."

"Yes, it is." I said, still whispering, and trying to pay attention to the movie.

"No, it isn't."

He was soooo argumentative.

"There's something you're not telling me and I'm not gonna force you but I'm just gonna let you know that if you thought I'd give up on you so easily, you thought wrong, violet."

My brows instantly furrowed in confusion and I turned my full attention to him. Is this guy insane?

"What are you talking about?"

He laughed a little, then relaxed back on the chair. "I think I'm addicted to you." he said from beneath his surprisingly long and thick lashes.

My eyes widened with shock. Did I hear him clearly


"I think I'm addicted to you, Violet. You did this." He repeated, referring to the dark circles under his eyes, his damn pretty eyes screaming desire.

Violet [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now