Chapter 1

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Yup. That was it, that January air that had the feeling of a new year with it.

I closed my eyes, sensing the frigid gusts of wind play with my curly waist length blonde-highlighted, brown hair as I embraced the feeling of winter in soda springs.


I opened my eyes as the sound of my foster dad's car horn interrupted my state of tranquility.

"Avery, you want me to drop you off on my way to the store? I mean, its pretty cold," He offered from inside his car, smiling at me.

I looked at the sidewalks ahead that were heavily covered in snow and then to the sky as if trying to determine whether it was going to snow today.

At the begining of the week, Soda Springs was snowed in by a raging blizzard. By Thursday, the blizzard was gone and the snow fell lightly. By Friday, yesterday, which was New Year, the snow ceased to fall, giving road workers a chance to plow the road for easy movement of vehicles.

"Thanks but no, thanks dad," I said, smiling politely as I declined his offer.

Sure, getting a ride from my foster dad was a faster and more convenient way to get to my destination, But, I yearned to use my bicycle instead.

I just thought it was a lot more fun to have direct contact with the wind, while having the muscles of my leg awakened as I pedalled the bicycle, especially as they must have been too rested over the Christmas break granted by the fact that I spent most of my days of Christmas break in a state of inertia.

"Are you sure?" He asked as his eyebrows furrowed with concern.

I slipped my hands into the pockets of my maroon winter jacket. "Yup. All good," I assured.

"Okay, if you say so. Have fun with Valerie and the girls, and good luck on making the team." He waved me goodbye before backing out of the driveway and driving off.

The team, as in Soda Springs International Highschool basketball team.
Over the years, only boys have been allowed to be made part of the school's basketball team, But a few weeks before our Christmas break on the Twenty-third of December, some girls in senior year realized that it was unfair that only the boys got to be on the team.

Those girls had probably realized that, in a couple of months, they were going to graduate from High school without ever touching a basketball and so they resolved to pulling up a peaceful protest to bring the unguarded rule down.
Fueled by my love for the sport, I had aligned with them.

After three days of the protest, the school's basketball coach, coach Davies had decided to hear us out.
On the otherhand, the preponderance of boys were not keen on letting girls join the team. This had only made the girls more aggravated.

To resolve the dispute, Coach Davies had proclaimed a match between the girls, aspiring to be made part of the team and the boys, after seeking Principal Heather's idea on the situation.

"If the girls win, their request will be granted and they would be allowed on the team, otherwise the boys will remain the only students on the basketball team," He had propounded.

Everyone had thought the idea was legit and conformed to it, so coach Davies fixed the match on the second day of January-Today.

I looked over at my bicycle laying in peace at a corner inside the garage and jogged over to it.

I examimed every inch of the bicycle, from the handle bar to the drive chain to make sure it was perfectly in good shape for riding,- in order to avoid any ugly accidents- and dusted it lightly with a rag before walking the bicycle out of the garage and onto the road.

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