Chapter 9

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"I can't help it. All the ways you did your thing that made me selfish. These just ain't words".

Ian's POV.

"Nothing's popping. Infact, Breakfast. That's what popping." Violet said, giving Ava a look.

Ava was also doing the same thing. For all I knew, they were definitely communicating. I was just floating, cause I didn't understand any bit of what they were doing.

My phone, at the corner of the island lit up which meant a message came in. I picked it up and opened the message which happened to be from my father.


Son, come over to our place. I have good news for you.

Good news. What kind of good news would my dad have at this time of the morning.

"Guys, I've got to go."

"So soon? we just got here and we're about to make breakfast. Won't you at least eat something." Candace said. Honestly, she sounded like those tiny creatures from movies that most of the times do not exist in real life. Her voice was just really tiny.

"No, thanks, besides I'm not really a fan of vegetables." I pointed out.

"You what?" Ava asked, a bit surprised.

"I... don't really eat vegetables?" I said but it came out as a question because I was unsure of why she was surprised.

"Wow, that's a shocker." She said, still staring at me, wide eyed.

I glanced at Violet who was chopping vegetables on the other end of the island.

"So...I'm gonna go....bye Violet, bye guys."

Without waiting for a response, I left Violet's place. And I found myself wanting to stay back with her.

I can barely make out a complete thought when she's there. And she keeps doing her thing like it's normal.

Can this girl drive me less crazy?

I know there's definitely something about her that she's not letting out. There's something bothering her.

How do I know this?

I definitely watched her sleep...

I know. I'm such a creep.

She's so beautiful when she's asleep. But she was talking in her sleep.....

She wasn't just mumbling meaningless words....she was making sense but I didn't understand her.

"Why did you leave me? Did you just hate me? What did I ever do?"

I was so confused when I heard her say that but I was even more confused when a tear dropped from her eyes while she was still asleep.

Was that even possible?

I kept on staring at her, I didn't even know what was going on in my own head.

I knew my heart was racing as I kept watching her. I swear all I wanted to do was hold her in my arms and take away her sadness, every one of it. I wanted to make sure she's fine at all times.

I used my thumb to wipe her tears and told her that everything was going to be fine, even if she probably couldn't hear me. At least she stopped sleep talking but the tears continued for a few more minutes then stopped.

I stayed up the whole night watching her sleep, silently praying everything was okay with her.

I'm so in my thoughts right now, God knows if I was driving I would have crashed already.

Violet [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now