Chapter 15

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"Stay at a place, woman, would you?" Ava said through gritted teeth as she snipped off loose threads from the red dress she forced me into.

It's 6:40 in the morning, Ava came over by 3am. Like, who the hell leaves their home at that time.

She brought with her, tons of the dresses she made all by herself in a medium sized traveling box, she wanted me to wear to work with Ian

I may have decided to be his P.A for a day, like he asked.

But the point is how Ava is treating me like her very own mannequin.

"Done." She said, putting down her scissors as I stepped down from the small stool she used as a level so she could trim the dress.

She turned me to face the mirror.

"Ian's gonna trip when he sees you in this." She said, gleefully.

I stared blankly at my reflection.

The dress was so beautiful yet really exposing, considering the way too high slits and the low off- the- shoulder line.

"I'm going to work, Ava, not a strip club."

She frowned at me at first, then squealed in excitement as she ran over to the box of dresses.

"Can't I just wear jeans?" I asked, wryly.

She took a while to search the box, while I took off the red dress.

I turned to place the dress on the bed when I saw her holding a royal purple off shouldered dress with sequence and a pretty black lace forming the off shoulder cut and the half cut fitting.

"Still wanna wear jeans?" She said, smirking, noticing how I immediately fell in love with the dress.

It was a moderate, cocktail, A-cut, flay dress which would probably stop just above my knees. It was not too short, it was not too long, it wasn't too exposing, it wasn't nun-ish. It was perfect.

Ava was now grinning from ear to ear, wiggling her brows at me waiting for my comment concerning the dress.

"It's beautiful and perfect." I finally breathed out.

"Yay!!!!!!!!!" She yelled, running around the room.

"Ava? 6:48." I reminded her of the time and she immediately stopped running and handed me the dress."

I put it on and she helped me with the zipper.

"Don't even think about returning this." She said, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

"For real?"

"Yeah. it's all yours."

I pulled her into a really passionate hug.

"Thank you so much, Ava."

"Don't mention it." she said, a huge smile plastered on her face.

Afterwards, she sat me down and did a light makeup on my face. She wrapped my hair in a tight bun and applied edge control on the edges.

I put on a silver necklace, just when I saw Ava pull out a black stiletto from her box, through the mirror.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked, spinning on the chair of my dresser.

"No, goof. These are for you."

I laughed hysterically. "You're joking." I said, before I saw that she wasn't joking. "No way, I'm wearing that thing."

"Yes way. It'll totally suit your outfit." She argued, walking towards me.

"I don't care. I'm not wearing that." I said, spinning back on the chair to face the mirror.

"We'll see about that."

From the mirror, I saw her lunge towards me, I immediately got up and moved away, laughing as she ended up hugging the chair instead.

She tried again to charge at me but I kept moving away until we were running round the room, laughing.


Our attentions were turned towards the door and Isla was leaning against the frame, staring at us.

"Ian's here." She said, before walking out.

"Wow, so early." Ava stated, trying to catch her breath.

I took advantage of her thoughts being somewhere else, grabbed my black sketchers and ran out of the room.

"Avery, wait!!" She yelled, following me downstairs.

I stopped abruptly at the bottom of the stairs, my eyes locking with Ian's, who was sitting on the island stool in a tuxedo, opposite Kyle.

Ava who was running behind me bumped into me, snapping me back to reality, as I turned to face her.

"Ouch!" we both whined in unison.

She soon recovered and glared at me.

I raced to the couch, slipped on the sketchers and made my way to the kitchen, ignoring Ava's death glare at me as she gave up.

"Are we late?" I asky but he didn't reply until I snapped my fingers in his face.

"Uhh... what?"

"Are. We. Late?" I asked again.

He looked at his wristwatch. "We'll be in a couple of minutes. Let's get going." He said, jumping off the stool.

"Isla, Kyle, be good kids at school, Okay? Isla don't punch Britney because she's being mean. Kyle, don't play video games during lessons because you're way ahead of the class. I love you two." I said, placing kisses on their foreheads before handing them over to Ava.

"Thanks again, Ava."

"Sure thing."

Talking to them about school makes me realize, if school wasn't tripping on and off, I wouldn't even have the chance to do this with Ian.

We both stepped outside and he held my hand as we walk towards his Jeep.

New ride, huh?

"You look stunning." He complimented

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." I said, entering into the passenger's seat.

Who am I kidding.

He's head over heels gorgeous.


Violet [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now