twenty five

208 4 0

Delilah's POV

The hate didn't calm down actually it got worse, and I started to believe it. I wanted to cry so bad but I didn't want to cry in front of Cameron so I kept it to my self and ignored it.

Cameron parked by this cute little ice cream parlor. "Aw this is so cute" I said smiling looking up at him "I knew you would like it, but this is not a date I will take you on a proper date later" he informed me, I nodded and looked at the flavors.

I decided to get mint chocolate ice cream while cam got cookie dough. We paid and sat down and I started eating mine right away.

Cameron decided it was funny to poke my nose with his spoon, his ice cream got on my nose. "cameron oh my god." I wiped my nose. I tried doing it back but he moved. "ha ha." He laughed sarcastically but started really laughing after I gave him a weird look.

"Rude." he said all sassy and placed his hand up. I laughed standing up to throw my trash away, cam did the same and walked to the car.

"Let's go to the carnival" Cameron suggested "why not" I said nervous, I hate going on amusement park rides they can break at any moment.

Cameron must have seen the worried look on my face he said, "I'm not going to make you go on the rides, but if you want to ill be right next to you keeping you safe I know how much you hate the rides, but take a risk" he informed me as he parked in front of this massive carnival.

"Okay I'll go on the rides" I gave in "yay, lets go get some tickets" he said pulling me by the hand towards the massive carnival.

We got our tickets and I he picked the teacups first, I think I can handle this I said to my self, but what if we go to fast and we fly off or what if the wheel breaks and we spin out of control!

I kept on thinking about these awful things that could happen, "relax delilah it will be fine" Cameron looked down at me smiling "I got you" I smiled back.

We got on the ride, Cameron and I went pretty fast I just let free I didn't care if we died I would die happy, because I'm having a great time.

Once we got off the ride we went over to a roller coaster gave the woman our tickets and we sat in the cart and it started.

I was sort of scared I hate Roller coasters, I grabbed Cameron's hand and held it tight he chucked at my fast actions.

We started to go first slow and up a mountain we reached the top and then dropped straight down really fast, I was screaming like a manic.

Once the ride was done I pushed Cameron out of the way and got off. he got off and laughed "your so cute when your scared" he said I rolled my eyes at his response.

"I'm hungry lets go get some pizza" I said taking his hand in mine lacing our fingers "I can go for pizza" he said "oh we should go on the ferris wheel after pizza to end the perfect day off" he said "ok" looking at what kind of pizzas there were.

We got plain cheese and waited for our number to be called 16. about 10 minutes later 16 was called and I got up to go get the pizza went back to the table Cameron was sitting at and started eating.

Once we were done we went towards the Ferris wheel, ugh the worst one of all you know what could happen it could get stuck we could fall anything!

We got on a blue colored box alone we sat on the same side and the tall male worker locked it and we started moving. it was absolutely gorgeous out the sun was just setting and the sky was an orangey red color.

I looked at Cameron and he was staring at me, "why are you staring at me?" I asked him "because your beautiful" he said looking into my eyes omg did he just use a fault in our stars reference?!?! Aw.

The Farris wheel got to the top and it stopped I didn't panic because I knew they were just letting people off.

I scooted into Cameron's arms and kissed his cheek and looked away blushing. we got off the ride and walked to his car

"wanna spend the night? Mom and dad aren't home" I stated "sure" he smiled.

We got to my house walked in and I flopped on the couch I looked at my phone it was 11:35 pm. I turned on the tv and looked through the channels "oh put on friends" Cameron told me as he fell onto the couch.

I put it on and it was my favorite one where they were playing the tape Rachel going to prom with someone else that almost stood her up and Ross thought that he could go with her since he likes her and she almost got stood up but by the time Ross got to the stairs the guy that was originally going to take her showed up and he poured out all his emotions to the Camera and Rachel is watching it and I'm about to cry, ok.

I snuggled into Cameron's chest and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

ZAYUM I liked this!

Instagram- twerkwithmatt

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-Korryn 💛

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