destiny and burden of an angel

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"You want me to protect a demon?!" You shouted, upset at the task.

"Calm down (Y/N), Rin is only half demon. He is a good guy!" Shura tried to calm you down but it didn't work.

"Im a guardian Angel! I am supposed to protect humans!" Still upset at the ridiculous task you were given by Shura and the true cross order, you decided to just pout from now on.

"No your task is to protect anyone with a pure heart which Rin defintely has. Come on we just want that someone keeps an eye on him and besides that...If he ever were to lose control of his powers, you would be able to stop him." Shura said, and she kind of made a point. You calmed down a bit but still weren't that convinced.

"Ok...I will give it a try, but I don't promise anything! If I am not a 100% convinced that he is worthy of my protection I won't do it."

"Awwww thank you (Y/N)! You are just the sweetest angel!" Shura said as she gave you a tight hug.

"So...where is that Rin?" You asked, thinking that he already must be an exorcist.

"Hes attending true cross academy!" She answered as she clapped her hands together, her big breasts bouncing as she moved.

"WHAT?! YOU WANT ME TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL?!" If there was one thing you really didn't want to do it was going back to school.
Even though you were young you were already an exorcist and quite important to the true cross order since you were the last angel they knew of.

"Hey it won't be that bad, you can still work as an exorcist after school!" She tried to cheer you up once again, but Shura wasn't really good at it.

"Fine! I will try it for a month, but if I dont like it I WILL quit! After all I already finished school years ago!" You pouted.

And with that you left the room, leaving a happy and satisfied Shura behind.

'How annoying, now I have to go back to Mephisto and ask for a school uniform and permission to join the school again!' You talked to yourself as you walked through the dark streets that lead to your home.
You lived alone, after all, your whole family was dead.

You walked through the door after opening it with your key, then quickly took off your shoes and ran upstairs, letting yourself fall onto your bed after rushing into the bedroom.

'I wonder what that Rin is like...' you mumbled as you hugged your pillow.
'Is this my destiny?'

It would be a lie to say that you werent a little bit excited, but there was a emotion that overshadowed said excitement. You couldn't quite put your finger on what it was, but you knew it had to do with your past.

That feeling got you thinking, thinking back to the night you had lost everything.


Everything seemed normal, there was no sign that the night would go down into history as the mass murder of thousands of priests and other people that had to do with the church.

The blue night had also ruined your life.

Growing up in a loving family, you were a happy child with a father that was a human and a mother that was an angel.

Everything seemed perfect to you until there was nothing left of your family.

Your mother and your father, eaten up by blue flames in a matter of seconds. You will never forget how their screams of pain echoed through the night as they were burned alive by satan himself.
You had survived, but at what cost.

Not only were your parents gone, you also lost your wings. They were burned off your back, when satan tried to burn you just like your parents but somehow you had survived.

In that night every angel on earth died, expect you. At least the only angel the true cross order knew of, thats also why you were so important to them.

The true cross order took you in, gave you a home, an education and taught you how to fight.
You had finished school and became an exorcist at the young age of 11.

But of course you also fullfilled your duty as a guardian angel, even though you quickly noticed that it was more of a burden to you.

As an angel your live was endless, angels cant die from age, but humans can.
In all your time as an angel, which wasnt very long since you were quite young you had one person to protect, a young boy.

You quickly noticed that even if you tried really hard, there are things you couldnt protect him from. To you, humans seemed brittle and weak. You came to realize that in your long live as a angel you would see many humans die of things you couldnt protect them from.

You would see people die that are important to you.

It completely broke you when you saw that little boy die of a sickness that couldn't be cured.
You never wanted to protect anyone ever again, but after all, it was your duty and you knew you couldn't escape it.

Flashback over

You lied awake the whole night, thinking about all sorts of things. But there was one topic that came up multiple times.

You were questioning wether you were ready to protect someone again. And wether you were ready to protect the son of the person that had killed your whole family.

You were torn, because you were full of rage and wanted revenge but on the other hand you were aware of the fact that he could be the total opposite of his father and hate him just as much as you.

You just needed to see him. You were curious, but also scared.

'Am I really ready? I think Shura is overestimating my capabilities...'

A tear slipped out of your eye as you thought about the fact that you were incapable of protecting someone if you couldnt even protect yourself.

You blamed yourself for so many things, and you felt as if there was big expectations set upon you, and you weren't sure if you could handle that.

'I am not ready for this...'

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now