Let's wreck some shit!

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"You are praying?" The cat god asked, looking at you while you were sitting on one of the wooden benches.

"What else am I supposed to do while I wait for Lightning?" You asked, keeping your hands folded and eyes closed.

"You don't need to pray anymore to speak to the gods...you know that."

"But its relaxing so please stay quiet." You mumbled hushing the God.

"When I pray...who listens to me?" You asked the cat god, looking up at it.

"This is quite hard to answer...I guess whoever has time or who can help you...Just know that someone will always hear your prayers and do their best to help you." The god smiled down at you but you weren't completely satisfied with the answer.

"Why do you need me to save the world, why can't you gods do it yourself?" You asked and the big cat chuckled.

"Beacuse unlike you we can't have a physical form here in Assiah. We can't use our powers here and are like ghosts. The only thing we can do is lend our powers to others and help them." The cat smiled at you and you nodded.

"Why me?"

"You are the last angel. God couldnt save the other angels so he did his best to save you. You are his last hope (Y/N)." You nodded, closing your eyes again, your hands still folded. It always hadbeen hard for you to handle all of the pressure and expectations set upon you. You were just a teenager, not the saviour of the world, at least that's what you thought.

"I don't want to interrupt your deep conversation or your prayers. But its time to save the world!☆" Lightning came bursting into the church, breaking the silence.

"Ok! INFO TIME!" Lightning cgeered after the helicopter that the two of you were sitting in had taken off.

"Tell me as much as I need to know, but not too much. Only the important things." You said as you looked out of the window. You were flying quite high and to say that you were scared and nervous would be the understatement of the century.

"So the airship is giant, Lucifer is in pretty bad shape so they'll evacuate him eventually, Ryuji and Kamiki will go to safe your classmates and your job is just to destroy the power source of the airship."

"Ok, I guess it will be in the center of the airship. What will you do?" You asked and Lightning had his usual smirk on his face.
"Join my apprentice."

"Most of the people will probably evacuate from the ship but that's ok, it will be easier to track them down once their airship is unusable. They also will use their lab and all of their research. So do your best to completely wreck it." Lightning said with a thumbs up and a big smile.

"You act like this is gonna be fun..." you mumbled with a frown.

"Because this is gonna be fun!" Lightning threw his hands up into the air and smiled.

"Ughhh...yeah." you said with a straight face.

"(Y/N)?" The cat god spoke and you looked up at it, meeting its gaze.
Surprisingly Lightning wasnt bothered by the god at all, he didn't even really look at it.

"I dont know if you will fight, so for the possibility that you get in trouble I want to introduce you to someone." The god spoke and nodded. The cat gestured you to take a respectful stance, and you went down to your knees, bowing your head.

"Are you ready?" Neko asked and you nodded, Lightning was watching everything closely.

A bright light formed in front of you and caused you to close your eyes to avoid being blinded. The light formed a body and soon another god stood in front of you.
Your eyes were still closed, you could feel a hand touching your cheeks gently.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now