What do we do now?

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Once again chatter broke out in the room and all the voices talking simultaneously made you even more nervous.

"How are two teenagers supposed to save us?!"

"The son of satan? Why is he even an exorcist?"

"Yes! What if he's on Lucifers side and will betray us?!"

"They are just children!"

"ENOUGH!!!" Meohisto shouted while slamming his hands onto the wooden table.
Silence returned to the room and all eyes were on him.
"I told you that you wouldnt that you wouldnt like what I have to say, but as I've already mentioned. THESE TWO ARE OUR ONLY HOPE!"

"Sir Pheles is this supposed to be a bad joke? Those two against Lucifer? There's no way those two brats will win against the king of Light!" A man spoke.

"Who are you calling a-" Rins hands formed fists and he was about to attack the man, but luckily Bon held him back. Rin had heard enough, and he wasn't the only one feeling that way. It was worse enough that you thought that you couldn't win against Lucifer, you didn't need to hear it from a group of random people.

"Let me tell you something! You might think that these two are children or "brats", but what you are forgetting is these two have done more for the order so far than all of you together!" Mephisto said and an uncomfortable silence consumed the room.
"Rin Okumura was the one that defeated the Impure King in Kyoto and I think I shouldn't even have to mention that (Y/N) has served us ever since she was very young. She was the one that destroyed the airship of the Illuminati. If someone in this room has the power to defeat Lucifer then its these two!"

"Sir Pheles is right! Besides that
(Y/N) is the living proof of Rin Okumuras purity. If he would have any bad intentions, an angel wouldn't protect Him!" Shura joined in on the conversation.

At this pointyou felt the urgent need to defend your boyfriend and stood up to speak. All eyes were now on you and you could feel the atmospherein the room getting even more uncomfortable
"Yes! Rin is the last person to betray us! God thinks that he will be the saviour of Assiah, and I...I believe the same as god! If someone can win against Lucifer, its Rin!"

"But he's the son of-"

"Thats what makes him so important to us! He is incredibly strong! Besides that isn't Sir Pheles also the son of satan?! And we trust him don't we? So why not trust Rin too!? You all think you have the right to question his loyalty when you aren't even the ones going to fight in this war!"

"I think thats enough (Y/N)..." Mephisto tried to calm you down but you were fired up and ready to fight anyone that would say bad things about your boyfriend.

"No, lets talk about why all of those people are here if only Rin and I are going to fight? Why do they need to be involved in the plan? Why do we need people that don't even respect us?!"

"You little brat-" a man got angry and jumped out of his seat.

"Who are you calling litte brat!? She's your superior now!" Bon said and in this momenz everyone seemed to realize your new position as arc knight and somewhat calmed down.

"What now?" Shura calmly asked and Mephisto shrugged his shoulders.

"I wish I would know..."
"Please everyone expect (Y/N), Rin their friends and Shura leave. I think its better if we discuss this in a smaller circle."

After a few minutes everyone that was supposed to leave was gone and the room was empty and silent.

"We cant escape talking about our plan in a bigger circle because we will have to present it to the Grigori tomorrow, but for now I think its better if its just us." Mephisto said and everyone nodded.

"What now? What do we even know?" You asked.

"I wish I would have a plan...we know where they are hiding at the moment, they are somewhere in Romania, their base is located in a mountain and has only one entrance. Its highly secure and it will be hard to infiltrate..." Mephisto said as he once again leaned back in his chair.


"Would you say that you are ready to fight?"
There it was, the question that you didn't quite knew the answer of, the question that you did not want to answer but knew that it would be asked.

"Im scared...I've been training a lot but I still don't know how powerful I really am and how much my body can handle...But I think if I really have to fight...I will be ready to do so!"

"What about you Rin?"

"I wont hold back on Lucifer! I will beat his fucking ass! After Im done with him he will regret that he was ever born!" Rin said with his usual will to fight and enthusiasm.

"I didn't expect any other answer from you!" Mephisto said with a smirk and then turned back to you.
"How many gods can you summon at the moment?"

"I think every single one expect like...God-god...Im not sure tho...cause like I said, I'm not sure how much my body can handle...i haven't had enough time to test out its limits..."

"Ok...thats at least something..." the demon mumbled.
"I really don't know....what to do..."

"We have to get in there somehow, right?" Rin asked.

"Yes, but it will be hard because there's only one entrance..."

"One official entrance...but what about vents or pipes? Or maybe a garbage chute?" Bon suggested.

"That could be something...we should send someone over there to take a closer look at the building, maybe there is another way to get in."

"But what do we do after we are in there?" You asked.

"We just find Lucifer and beat him?" Rin suggested while shrugging his shoulders.

"I fear it wont be that easy...besides that you'll also have to find Yukio and Shima...maybe it would be better if not only the two of you go in there..."

"Isnt that why we are here?"  Izumo asked, sounding a bit pissed as always.

"Are you sure that you are fit for such a job? I know that you guys are capable of invading the illuminati base, after all that isnt your first time doing that." Mephisto said in between low chuckles.

"Yeah...but that was a different story..." everyone except you mumbled. It was a weird feeling knowing that they had already infiltrated a Illuminati base while you were almost dying.

"I guess there wont be much to plan for us until we know how to get into the building." You mumbled. "And after we are in there well just split up and either fight Lucifer or find Shima und Yukio. I suggest we spent the time we have practicing and preparing for a fight."

"Thats a good idea, I will call up the branch in Romania and ask them to send someone to look at the building, I hope that by tomorrow we will know more." Mephisto said and then quickly called someone, speaking a language you couldnt understand.
"Ok, someone will be sent to the mountain, to investigate. You are free to go now, the meeting with the Grigori is too at 10am please be on time!"

All of you stood up and were ready to go but stopped in your tracks when Mephisto said.
"Im sure that you'll be the answer to this problem. If someone can defeat my brother, then its you guys!"

"Thank you Mephisto." You said with a weak smile and then left.

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