soon everything will be over

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"(Y/N)?" A soft voice spoke.
"(Y/N), its time to wake up!"

"Only a few more minutes..." you grumbled, keeping your eyes shut.

"Come on! Get up!" The voice and lightly shook you by the shoulders.

"I dont wanna! Its so warm and comfortable!" You muttered, pulling the blanket over your head.

"Weren't you the one that was so excited to go into the woods?" The weirdly familiar voice asked. It sounded so soft, gentle and loving, but you didnt really know who it belonged to, although you had heard it before.

"Right we wanted to go to the firest today!" You said, your mouth forming a cute smile and your body sitting up.
"Lets go!" You said, getting out of bed.

"Get dressed honey! Dont forget that its cold outside! The breakfast is already waiting for you downstairs." The kind voice said and gave you a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room and going downstairs.

You went towards the wardrobe, opening it and looking at the clothing that was neatly organized.
It was in that moment that you realized that something was off.
Why were the clothes so small? Who was the women that had talked to you?

Was it- no! This wasnt possible, she's dead.

You decided to ignore the thoughts telling you that something was off and looked through your wardrobe until you found a cute sweater and some pants.

You quickly got dressed, feeling a bit weird about how small your body looked, but all felt....natural.
You headed downstairs, now finally seeing the woman that had woken you up. She was sitting at the table, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Sit down, and eat your breakfast before it gets cold!" She said with a kind smile.
For some reason you couldnt quite see her was just like a, white cloud instead of a proper face, but for some reason, it didnt scare you.

You struggled to get onto the big chair but eventually managed to sit down and saw what was on your plate.
"Pancakes!!" You cheered, grabbing knive and fork to cut into them, but not before admiring the cute faces drawn onto them with chocolate syrup.

"Now I'm full!" You said and once again the woman kindly smiled at you.

"Then lets get ready!" She said and gestured you to go put on your boots and coat.

You followed the womans command, putting on your red boots with white polka dots on them and your yellow rain coat.
The woman also put on some boots and a coat, grabbed a basked and then left the house with you.

"Do you think well find some nice mushrooms?" She asked and you nodded, feeling excited to spend some time with her.

"(Y/N), you are such a wonderful girl, I cant tell you how glad I am to have you!" She said, with a bright smile.
"I love'll always be my baby, even if youre all grown up!"

"And I love you mommy!" You chirped and looked at her with a expression full of love and admiration.
You were surprised by how easily the word mommy left your mouth, you didn't even have to think about it, you just automatically called her that.

"(Y/N)! Please never forget what I'm about to tell you!" She said, stopping and kneeling down next to you.
"You may be different, but that's what makes you special! God and I love you, and we know what power is burried deep down inside of you! Whenever you really need me, call for me and I'll hear you! I may be gone someday, but I will always be there!" She said and her words confused you.

"Mommy!? Why are you talking like you will be leaving soon? I thought we have so much time!"

"My beautiful little child, even we angels shouldnt take anytjing for granted, we should apprecuate the time we've spent with loved ones just as much as the humans do!" She said, and brushed the haur out of your face.
"I love you my dear, and I appreciate the time I could spent with you, I will treasure all the memories with you and never let them go, please dont forget me, my beloved child."

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now