Not a weapon

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"So what exactly did you do with him after you took him with you?" You asked while starting to eat your food.

"Oh I just talked with Mephisto for a bit. He didn't tell the Vatican about Rin. And then I just talked to Rin for a bit." She aswered.

"What exactly did you talk about?"

"Ohhh you seem to be quite concerned about Rin. His father wanted me to teach him, because I know a lot about magical swords."

"Yeah...after all you taught me how to draw te sword of will you teach him?"

"Yes." She simply said.

"But if you teach him, do I still need to look after him?" you asked.

"Of course! Didnt you say yourself that you have a bond with him now? Stop trying to escape your duty as an angel, and start fighting for what's important!"

" you knew Rin's father?"

"Yes, and you do too. You met Shiro when you came here to Japan, you prayed in his church."

"What?! SHIRO IS RINS FATHER?!" You couldnt believe what you had just heard.

"He raised Rin and Yukio like they were his own first I thought that he raised him to be a weapon but I came to realize that Shiro raised a son."

"A son....not a weapon..." you mumbled quietly.

Shuras words kept you lying awake at night. Shiro raised a son not a weapon, but what about you? What were you to the true cross order? After all you got raised by them, they made you a excorcist, and taught you four of the five Meisters. Why were you that important to the true cross order?

You had a existential crisis at this point. Questions clouded your mind and kept you awake.
Why was I the only angel that survived? Why didn't I die too? Why did the true cross order want me to become a exorcist this bad? What am I? Who am I? Why am I?

Why me?

And then you remembered Rins words. "If anything is bothering you, you can call me..." you mumbled as you dialed his number, and listened to the ringing of your phone. 
You were about to hang up again, because you thought that Rin must be asleep. 

"Hey (Y/N)." He answered and hearing his voice made your heart jump in joy.

"Hey Rin! Sorry that I am calling you this late..."

"Its ok, I couldn't sleep anyway." He answered, and you couldn't help but blush.
"Why did you call me? Is everything ok? You are not hurt, are you?" He asked worried.

"N-no im not hurt...I just couldn't sleep...and then I remembered that you told me I could call you if anything bothered me..."

"Im glad you took my offer." You could hear him smiling. "Uhhhm do you like...wanna meet up and tell me whats up?" He asked.

"N-now?" You asked, shocked. 

"Yes, of course now. I could come to your place or we could meet somewhere outside..." he said.

" you know that convenience store that has a panda as their mascot? We could meet there and I will buy you something..." you suggested and he said yes, but he insisted that you shouldn't buy him anything.

"Hey" Rin smirked when he saw you in front of the store. 

"Rin!" You leaped forward and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you for coming..."

"No problem...I actually had a lot of things on my mind too so maybe this will help me relax a bit." He smiled while hugging back.

He felt so warm and comfortable. 

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now