Getting back to work

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You spent day after day only training to get back your exorcist license.
At first it was uncomfortable and everything seemed to remind you of what happened. You couldnt even hold a gun anymore without thinking of the death of your dear teammate, Joe.

But as days passed it hot easier and because Anahita was always by your side, watching over you, you never felt alone.
Anahita encouraged you when you felt like giving up and supported you as best as she could.
You rarely had time to text Rin because both of you were busy, he was studying with the others all day long and all you did was train and try to convince the order that you were ok.

After a week it was time for ypur final test, beating a high class demon.
You were nervous as you stepped into the arena, your heart was almost beating out of your chest and your legs felt weak. You felt the eyes of the inspectors on you which made matters only worse.

A upper class excorcist summoned a high class demon that you were about to defeat.
While you watched the demon emerge from the circle you had a lot of things on your mind.
What if I dont pass? Am I prepared to deafeat this demon? Do I even want to be an exorcist again?
Your mind was running wild, but after the demon had fully appeared, there was no time for thinking anymore.

"The Impure Baron..." you mumbled to yourself afer recognizing who your opponent was.

For a moment you just stared at the big demon, taking in every single detail of it.
Your body began to shiver and doubt filled your mind.

"You can do it (Y/N)! You are not alone! Im by your side!" Anahita said with her usual, calm and gentle smile.
You looked up at her, meeting her soft gaze.

"Ok! Lets do this!" You quickly summoned the sword and syarted running around the demon, searching for a weakness.
"How are we gonna beat it?" You asked the goddess that floated next to you.

"First well make it immobile by severely wounding it and then you'll jump up into the air, summoning the bow of light to shoot through its heart!" She told you her plan and you immediately doubted everything again.

"I have never summoned the bow of light before! What if I can't do it?"

"(Y/N)...for the love of God, stop doubting yourself and start fighting for whats important! I know you can do it!" Anahita said in a harsh tone.
"Now slay that damn demon!"

"Fuck you are right! Lets impress them!"

"Thats the (Y/N) I know!" She cherred proudly.

You swiftly moved around the big demon until you found the right moment to attack it with your sword. It screamed out in pain, but you knew the fight wasn't over yet.
The hardest part hadn't even started yet, you still needed to summon the bow of light and exorcise the demon.

You took a deep breath before running in front of the demon and jumping as far up as you could. It seemed as if time had stopped as you recited the Bible verse to summon the bow.
A bright light blinded you as a golden bow with a glowing arrow appeared in your hands.
Without much thinking or hesitating you aimed and let go of the, making the arrow fly and struck its target.
You had hit dead center and the demon turned into ashes in seconds.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, releasing the tension of your body while you started to relax. Something you had prepared for and that you were so incredibly scared of was now over and only took a few minutes.
It didn't even take you ten minutes to exorcise the demon, and to say that the inspectors were impressed would be an understatement.

"Congrats, you are an upper 1st class exorcist again!" A man said as he gave you your id card and the pin back.

Satans Cult⭐

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