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"Joe!" You wanted to scream, but couldnt open your mouth as you stared at his limp, lifeless body.
A bullet had pierced through his head, a fatal wound.

You felt nauseous as you looked at his body. You felt like throwing up. You wanted to run, but your body wouldn't move.
You couldnt do anything as you stared blankly and tears ran down your cheeks.

"(Y/N) no dont! Don't go!" Nicky had a strong grip on your body, preventing you from running to Joe.
You knew that this wasnt a good idea, but you at least wanted to be able to bury him and say goodbye properly.

The mission was over now, it was over before it had really begun.
The only thing left to do for Nicky and you was to run, but you couldn't.
He was dead, but you didn't want to leave him behind.
You remembered what Ellie had always said.
'We walk out there together, or we don't walk out at all'

"Im sorry." You whispered underneath your breath before escaping Nickys grip on you and running towards Joe.

You were dumb.

If you hadn't ran towards him things would have turned out differently.
If you hadn't ran to him you would have welcomed Rin and the others the next day, when they would return to Tokyo.
If you hadn't ran towards him, you would have returned from your mission.
You wouldn't have died.
But in that moment you didnt think logically.
Your mind was clouded.
Your body moved by itself.
You had completely lost control.

"Bang!" A bullet hit your shoulder but you kept running. You didnt feel the pain, your body felt completely numb.
Nicky couldn't do anything but watch as you tried to drag Joe's body away.

Nicky couldnt do anything but watch you get shot into the head.

He didnt know where the person was that shot you and Joe. There was probably a sniper on the roof. The only thing he could do was watch, hide and pray, so he wouldn't also die.

Your body laid lifeless in the cold snow as it slowly turned red beneath you.
The wound was fatal, you were dead...for now.

It was the first time you had been killed by a human.
The first time you were killed on purpose.
The first time your death didn't help anyone.

"Arghhh." You took a sharp breath as your hand slowly moved across the cold snow.
Everything sounded distant, but you could gear footsteps and voices, but didnt know how close they were.
Your head hurt like it never did before.
"Look shes still alive!" The voice of a man said, but it sounded so far away.
Was it Nicky?
No, there were too many people, so you quickly concluded that the people weren't your friends, they were your enemy.

You wanted to move and run away as one of the men picked you up, but you couldn't.
You wanted to grab your pistol and shoot the man into the face, but your body was limp and you couldn't even open your eyes.

They carried you and Joe's dead body into the building, and tied you up.

The next day

"Ahhh finally we are back in Tokyo !" Rin said as he stepped out of the train.

"Whats wrong Okumura?" Bon asked confused as he stepped out of the train.

"(Y/N) is not here..." Rin frowned as he looked around the train station.

"Maybe she's just on a mission...lets just call her later I'm sure she's fine." Bon said optimistically.

"Yeah, I hope so. Maybe Shura knows something..." Rin muttered.
"Hey Shura! Do you know wether (Y/N) is on a mission?"

"Why would I know that! I'm not her babysitter! But if you are that worried I can ask someone." Shura answered, and then started walking towards the entrance while pulling out her phone.

"Hello, Miss Kirigakure on the phone. I would like to know wether Miss (L/N) has returned from her mission yet." Shura said after she called someone.
"I understand..." she answered after a while and then hung up.

"No need to worry, the mission just takes a bit longer than expected." Shura said and faked a smile as best as she could, and everyone believed her.
In that moment none of your classmates knew what was actually going on, neither did you.

"Oh ok! How about we invite (Y/N) to eat with us once her mission is over?" Shiemi suggested with a bright smile and everyone nodded.

"That's a great idea, then we can tell her everything about our adventure in kyoto." Rin smiled with a thumbs up.

Meanwhile Shura could only listen and feel bad. She was told that you didn't return from your mission, that one of your comrades was dead and that the other ran off without you to get help.
Shura was told to not tell anyone what was going on, she was told to lie.
"I hope you are ok (Y/N)..." she whispered.

Meanwhile you were tied up and sat on the cold concrete floor of a big building somewhere in east europe.
After the men had carried you inside you had finally gained the ability again to move, and killed them. You didn't like doing it, but they wanted to kill you, so you protected yourself.
But it didnt help, only more people in weird uniforms came, and they were too many to fight. The kicked and punched you until you were lying on the ground, crying out in pain.

And then, for a slight second you felt how something hit your head. You were shot again, but of course you woke up again.

As you woke up,you tried to move but couldn't.
Your head hurt and it took you a moment to see clearly.
You hectically looked around the room, you were in as you tried to understand what was going on. But no matter how hard you thought about what had happened, nothing made sense to you and it all didn't feel real.

There were many questions on your mind.
Who are those people?
How long have I been here for?
Will Nicky help me escape this place?
Is Rin safe?

"Ohhhh so thats our guest, you truly look interesting..." a man came walking into the room, a creepy smirk on his face as he looked at your tied up body.
"You killed ten of my men...Tell me, why didn't you die after you were shot in the head two times?"

You didnt answer, and just kept your mouth shut.

"You don't wanna talk? Well you don't have to." He said, kneeling down infront of you.
"You could be quite helpful for us..." he muttered.

"You killed my friend." You spat at the man's face angrily as you tried to kick him.
"I know who you are, and what you are (Y/N) (L/N). You are immortal, the last angel on earth..." he touched your face, and you bit into his finger as hard as you could, which resulted in another bullet into the head.

You groaned as you woke up again.
"Are you more cooperative now?" The man asked, while he was way to close to your face.
Once again you used the moment to spit at his face.

"Go fuck yourself!"

"Heh, you wont have a choice." He smirked and walked off.
"We can be glad that Lucifer doesn't have time to see her, that girl doesn't have any manners. Take her to the other room, we need to find out some things."
You heard the man say to another person as he left the room.

You took a deep and shaky breath as you thought about what to do next and what they would do to you.
You didn't know who these people were, what organization they worked for and what their goal was.

And little did you know that the true cross order started to investigate the organization that had captured you.

"I want to see Rin again...I want to see everyone again..." you muttered and tears fell out of your eyes.
"Im gonna get out if here!"

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now