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Disclaimer! Chapter contains manga spoilers

"A lot has happened (Y/N) mean I didn't even think you would wake up again..." Nicky said as he looked

"Why?" You sat down.

"Your brain was severely damaged...your head kinda refused to grow back on and your body didn't heal itself anymore...there was practically no hope that you would ever recover...but now...you don't even have a scar on your neck..." Nicky mumbled as he stared at your neck.

"Yeah well...The gods helped me...I made a deal with god, he healed my body and made me fully immortal and in return I will protect Rin and Assiah."

"So nothing really changed?" He asked hesitantly.

"I think a lot has changed..." you mumbled. "Now tell me everything that happened!"

"I prepared for the moment that you would wake up again and wrote down every mayor thing that has happened." Nicky got out a piece of paper that was folded like a million times.
"Where do we start...uhm yeah here! After you died Shura found you in the woods and brought you back here. The Illuminati kinda fucked up because they defintely wanted to do more experiments on you but you could escape very easily."

"Ok so Shura brought me back here and then?" You were eager to find out everything.

"You are not gonna like this...everyone thinks that you are dead..."

"WHAT!" You jumped out of your chair and slammed your hands on the table.

"Let me explain! The order was scared that the Illuminati would find you and kidnap you...so they spread the lie that you died. Everyone expect a few people including me know that you are still alive." He looked down ashamed.

"So Rin thinks I'm dead?!" You were quite angry.

"Yes...Im sorry..." he mumbled and you tried to calm down a bit.

"Shit...but now that I'm alive..."

"No! We cant let you go! Its too dangerous, the Grigori gave us the order to not let you out of this building. The Illuminati could find out that it was all a lie and if they get their hands on you they might use you as a weapon against the order!" Now Nicky was the one jumping out of his chair.

"You can't just lock me up because you are scared!" You once again slammed you fists on the table.

"We don't have a choice! DO YOU THINK I LIKE TO DO THAT?!"


"I know you don't...and it won't be your whole life here, just until the Illuminati is defeated." Nicky said as he calmed down.

"We don't know how long that will be...I have made a promise to God and to Rin! I have to fight to protect Assiah!" You said upset.

"You aren't in the right mindset to fight anyone! Your body might be stronger than ever but your mind is weak. The trauma is too much!" You didnt like to admit it but he was right. You weren't actually sure wether you could fight anyone at the moment.
You werent even sure if you regretted being alive again.

"Tell me more..." you chocked out as tears filled your eyes.
It wasnt what you expected at all. You expected to wake up in a new futuristic world with flying cars and advanced technology, but instead you were held captive and your friends thought you were dead.

"At the school festival Izumo Kamiki was kidnapped by the Illuminati and Renzo Shima turned out be a Illuminati spy. Lucifer the king of light and commander in chief of the Illuminati appeared and revealed his plan and declared war against the true cross order. They want to create a world with no humans and no demons, they want to guide the world to unity. Your classmates managed to save Izumo but Shima stayed, but returned back to school and revealed himself as a Spy for Mephisto." He stopped for a moment so you could process everything. The Shima situation really confused you, was he a traitor now or not?

"Suguro became Lightnings apprentice, but thats not that important...Yukio turmed kinda crazy and was accused of shooting Mephisto in the head at a conference. Rin and his friends freed Yukio and Rin wanted to run away with his brother...but...you are not gonna like the next part...are you really ready? Maybe you should-"


"Yukio shot Rin...and when Rin attacked his brother it turned out that Yukios eye is possesed by satan and it protected him...the Koma sword broke and Rins flames...burned him to ashes..."

"N-NO!" You choked out as your body began to shiver. "I-is he...."

"No, he recovered and now his demon heart isn't sealed anymore. Mephisto let him discover his past.  and that's where we are at now...the Gehenna gate is opening again and more people are starting to see demons...oh and Shiemi is part of the Grigori." Nicky said.
"Oh also the order did some weird experiments with cloning and stuff...its morning now, you should go back to your room and tell no one that we talked about all this, because I technically am not allowed to tell you anything from the outside world."

You stood up and were about to leave the room. But turned around when Nicky said.
"Im glad that you are awake again...I know its hard but please, don't try to escape, you can't get out."

"We will see..." you quietly mumbled as you walked through the door.

You looked outside through the big window in your room. You were in a skyscraper and your room was located at about half of the big building.

"You don't seem well..." a voice spoke and you jumped.
"Shhh don't scream (Y/N), its ok it's just me!" You looked up to see a giant cat that looked like one of those waving lucky cats.

"Nyaaaw you don't remember me? We met in heaven! I'm a cat god!" The cat said with a frown and you were slightly creeped out.

"Why are you here?" You asked as you stared at the cat god.

"You werent feeling well and so we gods decided it would be best to send someone to cheer you up! And who doesn't love cats! If you want you can cuddle with me! Besides...you can't protect Assiah when you are locked up in this room!"

"Don't worry about that...Is there a way I can undo the deal...?"

"What?! Why! You promised your life to God!"

"I-i didn't think about it and now I regret it. I didn't know my friends think that Im dead...they probably accepted it and I think it isnt a good idea to see them again now...it will just confuse them...they are better off without me. Besides I'm not sure if I can do this...Im scared to fight...I dont feel like myself anymore." Tears began rolling down your cheeks.
"I should have just stayed dead...but I was too afraid to die..."

Meanwhile, Lightning and Bon

"I have to tell you something...you won't believe me but soon you will see for yourself." Lightning spoke as he and his apprentice walked through the streets of Tokyo.

"What are you talking about master?" Bon asked confused.

"We might have a way to defeat Lucifer..."

"Could you get to the point faster..."

"Its (Y/N), she has the power to defeat him!" Lightning smirked and Bon was more than just confused.

"But...isnt she...dead?" He asked his master that shook his head.

"Nope and I might now where she is although something tells me that she will come to us and that we dont even have to search...If you were (Y/N) where would you go after escaping the order?" Lightning asked his apprentice.

"Home, she needs money...and then far away. But could you please explain whats going on?!"

"Nah she can tell you herself what happened." Lightning shrugged.

"This is a joke right...it has to be..." Bon mumbled to himself.

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