fall of Icarus

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You didn't think long before jumping out the window and falling down the skyscraper.
You felt like Icarus when he fell because he flew to close to the sun,  feeling only regret.

The fall didnt last long, but to you it felt like ages until you landed on a car that was parked outside. It was a quite harsh landing and you felt like all your bones had been crushed, but after a few seconds you were able to get up and quickly walk away.
The cars alarm that went off after you had crashed into it, alarmed everyone around you that something was going on.
Luckily you were already gone when the people ran out of the building to see whats going on.

You just ran as quick as you could. You didnt really know where to go at first, but you knew what you needed to do.
As you ran through the streets of tokyo, only wearing a hospital gown and nothing else, you came up with a plan.
Step 1: break into to your house to get clothes and money
Step 2: go to a hairdresser to change your appearance
Step 3: get Rin a new sword

You tried to raise as little suspicion as possible, but it was almost impossible due to your look and the fact that you werent even wearing shoes in the middle of winter.

After about thirty minutes of walking your feet felt like they were about to fall of because they were freezing and you had reached your home.

"Ohh so that's where you wanted to go." The cat god said as it appeared next to you.

"Jup, we will have to go in through the window...I don't have my keys with me...they must have locked up my private stuff..." you said and the cat god sweat dropped.

"I trust you..." neko mumbled and it didn't sound very convincing.

"You don't even know me that well...besides aren't you like...immortal?"

"God trusts you so I do too and yeah I am...still I'm worried."

"Chicken..." you mumbled before jumping the fence.

You searched for a way to get into your house and quickly found a window on the second floor that was open.
You didnt really think about the things that could go wrong, and just started climbing up your own house until you could enter through the window.

You looked around your home and everything looked exactly like the last time you had been there.
You silemtly walked to your bedroom, the wooden floor creaked beneath you and your bare feet made slowly started to get warm again.
Everything still looked the same, but it smelled a bit different.
"Rin was here..." you whispered as you sat down on the edge of the bed.
The hoodie that he has given you was still folded on your bed, just like you left it when you went on that mission.
You picked it up and held it close to your face, it still smelled like Rin...tears began to form in your eyes and you hugged the piece of clothing tightly.
Oh how you have missed him...

"You should hurry up, this is probably the first place they'll search for you.

You got up and put on new underwear, a shirt and Rins hoodie on top. Then you quickly put on socks and the first pair of pants you could find, slipped on a pair of sneakers and grabbed your backpack.
You began to rush through the house, packing everything you needed.
Before leaving you grabbed your jacket and a pistol that you kept in a drawer and were ready to go.

"Lets go!" You jumped out the window you had entered your house through.

You landed on your ass and groaned from the pain but quickly stood up because you needed to go.
The sound of a tree branch cracking alerted you and you quickly turned into the direction of the sound, your hands holding onto your weapon.

"Lightning?!" You exclaimed as the arch knight stepped out of the shadows.

"I knew I would find you here! You really haven't changed at all...you dont even look older..." he said with a smirk.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now