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You went to the train station with Rin, to say your goodbyes to him before he was heading to kyoto with the other exwires, Shura and some other exorcists.

"Im really sad that you can't come with us..." Rin frowned and you hugged him.

"You know me Rinsie, when work calls I don't have a choice." You smiled as you looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I will miss you...promise me that you'll visit kyoto with me sometime..." Rin said and you nodded with a bright smile.
"Promise!" You said and held out your pinky finger.
Rin intertwined his pinky finger with yours, and his soft lips touched yours.

"Please be careful Rin...I want you back in one piece! So dont do anything stupid!" You exclaimed and he chuckled.

"I will be fine...please also be careful, I need you." He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and stared into your (e/c) eyes.

"Geee you two lovebirds! Get a room!" Bon joked and you giggled as he walked up to you.

"C'mere" he chuckled, opening his arms for a hug.
You smiled and jumped into his arms, hugging him.

In the past few months Bon had gotten very important to you. He wasn't just a friend, all your friends weren't friends to you, they were family, and Bon was like a brother to you.
"Be careful on that mission! After all we might wanna see you again." He chuckled and you giggled, punching him lightly.
Rin watched the two of you with a smile, he wasnt jealous anymore. He now knew that he was the only man you wanted, and knew that he didnt have to be jealous.
He knew that he could trust you and that you would never cheat on him.

"Be careful Bon and watch Rin for me, so he doesn't do anything stupid." You smiled.

"Of course! You can count on me!" Bon proudly pointed to himself.

"(Y/N) chan!" Shiemi came running towards you and attacked you with a tight hug. She was closely followed by Shima, Izumo and Koneku and the hug quickly turned into a group hug.
You were so incredibly happy in that moment that tears of joy almost spilled out of your eyes.

"Lets take a selfie!" Shiemi suggested and Bon got out his phone.
All of you smiled or did some goofie faces.

"I'll send it to everyone." Bon said, tapping around on his phone and soon everyone had the group picture. Everyone immediately changed their phone backgrounds to the group picture.

"Byeeee guys! I will miss you! Be safe!" You shouted as the train started to move.
You watched as it got smaller and smaller and soon it was gone.

You smiled and hoped that they would have fun even though they were on a mission. And you prayed that Bon would finally develop the courage to talk to his father.

Days passed and the others would return ib two days. When you heard what had happened you were shocked but also proud.
Rin kinda went beserk again, and the grigori decided it would be best to kill him now, bit luckily after Rin defeated the Impure king that changed their minds and decided to let him live for now.

"Hey (Y/N)." You heard Rins soothing voice say as he picked up the phone.

"Hey Rin." You whispered with a smile.
"How are you?"

"Im fine, what about you, how was the mission?" He asked, worry in his voice.

"I felt better before...I miss you and have been on missions the past couple of days. I guess I'm just exhausted, but tomorrow is the last mission and then I'm free for a while, so we could do something fun together if you want." You said as you laid down on your bed. It was already night, but you couldn't sleep, so you called Rin.
You turned your head and looked out of the window, the stars shone bright and the moon was full.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now