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"Yohei? YOHEI?!" The voice of a man shouted from the ocean.

This was the last thing you needed at the moment because everything was already a complete chaos. You clouldnt see Rin and Yohei because they were behind the giant Kraken, the Kraken was still doing it's stuff, Rin must have pulled out his sword because you could feel that there was another, stronger demon near you and now there was a random man on the ocean calling out to Yohei?!

"What's going on ..." you muttered to yourself because you genuinely had never been on a mission that was as chaotic as the situation you were in right now.
Therefore you didn't know what to do, and decided to just watch everything closely for now. You knew that Rin wasn't in danger because you would have felt that.
Even though you knew that he wasn't in danger you were still worried about him.
You dient want him to get hurt. 

After some time Rin and Yohei came out of the water closely followed by a man.

"Yohei, I got lost when I sailed out to fight the demon and saw many beautiful islands and have learned that the demon isn't our enemies but our friend. He is soft and squishy and so are it's feelings." the man said that must be Yoheis father.

"Father!" Yohei said and then hugged his dad.

All of you just sweat dropped at the words of Yoheis dad.
"Soft and squishy feelings? My ass..." you mumbled to yourself. 

"And that's why I took you on this trip students, to learn this important lesson and hear this heartwarming message!" Tsubaki Sensai said as he turned up out if nowhere.

"Thats why we came here?!" You couldn't believe that you came to this village just to learn that a giant Kraken can be a friend.

"Just think of it as a nice trip
(Y/N)." Shima said, trying to cheer you up.

After you had said your goodbyes to Yohei and his dad, all of you went on your way home.
You looked around on the train, and everyone seemed to be sleeping, expect Rin.

He looked up from playing with Kuro and saw that you were staring at him. Rin gestured you to sit next to him, by patting on the seat next to him.

You were a bit embarrassed, but took his invitation and stood up from your prior seat and sat down next to him. 

"That was an adventure." Rin said, while giving you that damn smile again that made you melt away.

"I wouldn't quite call it that

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"I wouldn't quite call it that..." you mumbled.

"At least we had fun." Rin shrugged his shoulders and smirked.  

That statement got you thinking, and while processing the events of the day you realized how nerve wracking everything actually was to you.

You just couldn't hold back your tears at this point.
"Fun? I was so worried about you Rin!" You sobbed, tears rolling out of your eyes.

"Hey~(Y/N), everything is fine." He smiled at you and then engulfed you in a thight and warm hug to calm you down.

"I wish I could be as fearless as just didn't think before jumping after Yohei..." you sobbed while crying on his shoulder. 

"Well Yukio says I should think more before I do things..." he said.

"You were pretty careless...sometimes you are just such an idiot Rin!" You cried, while clutching onto the back of his shirt.
Rin started rubbing his hand up and down your back to calm you down.

"Yeah you are right...I promise next time I will take more care" Rin said while giving you the purest smile ever.

"I know you won't, and that's ok. I will look out for you." You smiled back at him.

"Then I guess we will look out for each other, thats what friends do..." Rin said with a big smile on his face. 

"Sorry for crying in front of you...that was pretty embarrassing." You mumbled as you wiped away your tears. 

"No its ok, never feel ashamed of showing your feelings in front of me." Once again, he gave you a heartwarming smile.

How could this pure, adorable and perfect cinnamon roll be the son of satan?!

"Thank you Rin." You smiled and he hugged you, making you blush.

"So how do you like the cram school so far?" Rin randomly asked, probably to lighten the mood.

You felt like for once you didn't had to lie because you actually really liked going to cram school,  because for the first time in your life you had people that you could call your friends.

"I really like it, I'm really glad that I found friends..." you smiled.

"I am glad that you like it." Rin smiled at you once again.
"Uhhm (Y/N) I just want you to know can always talk to me...I want you to know that you can rely on me and that if you are ever in danger or something, don't hesitate to call me." He said, while blushing madly and handing you a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Thank you Rin. I want you to know that you always can count on me too, if anything is wrong or if you just wanna talk,  just call me." You said, while smiling.

"Thank you (Y/N), I am really glad to be able to call you my friend." Rins words kind of hurt you, but you didn't know why.

"How was your little trip guys?" Shiemi asked as the whole class headed to the classroom.

"It was pretty cool, even tough we didn't really get to do much." Rin said. 

"We didn't even get to fight a demon. " you muttered disappointed. 

"I kind of wish I could have been there too." Shiemi seemed sad.

"It wasnt even that fun Shiemi." Izumo said and you couldn't tell if she said that so Shiemi would feel better or because she actually didn't like the trip.

Since Rin had given you his phone number on the train, you had texted him every night. You really enjoyed talking to him, and didn't notice that you were falling in love with him.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now