The Sad Ending

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"Rin..." you murmured as you looked at his weak body lying on the ground.
Pain shot through your whole body while you tried to move and you cried out.

Your mother's words from that weird dream rang through your ears like and echo in a cave.
"If you ever need help, call out to me and I will hear you."

"Mom! Mom please help me!"
You cried out as tears streamed down your blood stained face.
"I can't lose him like that!"
You shouted, your voice cracking in the middle.

All your hopes and dreams crashed when nothing happened.
Silence filled every little corner of the dim lit room and it slowly turned cold, the only sounds that echoed through the debris filled rooms were your heavy breaths and silent whimpers.

Did she not hear your calls?
Was the dream not important and her words had no meaning?
Did she lie?

You cried, as you slowly tried to crawl towards Rin, ignoring the pain that told you to lie down and rest.
"Please dont leave me..."
you mumbled while you brushed your fingers over his soft cheeks that were slowly turning cold.

"Rin..." you whimpered, the tears that had formed in your eyes, falling onto his pale face.
You hoped that he would open his eyes, his ocean blue orbs staring into yours, but that didn't happen,
they stayed closed.

You held him closed as the tears didn't stop tickling down your face.
His once warm and comforting body now felt cold and like it was not welcoming you anymore.

"Please...if your words were true, help me mom! One last time I beg you to help me!"
If this wouldn't work out, you'd give up.

All of a sudden a warm hand touched your wet cheek, caressing it softly.
You looked up into a pair of beautiful (e/c) eyes and a face that resembled yours.

Her face looked kind and beautiful, if she wouldn't look much older than you, she could almost be your twin.

"Mom...?" You asked as the beautiful women wiped away your tears.

"Yes darling it's me..." a pair of big and beautiful white wings adorned her back and a golden halo was floating over her head.
For a second you wondered wether your wings would've looked the same if you hadn't lost them back then.

"Can you help me?"
You asked though sniffles, while you still held onto Rins body, having a tight grip on him.
"I want to fullfill my duty...I came so far...I want to protect him one last time."

"Oh how you have're a beautiful woman you have finally accepted your faith..." 

"Yes! Just this one last time!
I don't care what will happen to me! I'm proud to be his guardian Angel, and I've sworn to protect him to the end....and that's what I want to do!"

"I like how determined you are,
you've really grown up to be a strong and independent woman."
Your mother smiled at you.
"Close your eyes so we can travel to another realm...I dont know for how long I can stay in Assiah."
You followed her order and closed your eyes, immediately dozing off to sleep, waking up in a land full of clouds and light.

"You should know where we are."
Her soft voice spoke and you turned around to face her.

"Yes, I've been here before." You mumbled while remembering your first time in heaven. A place without pain and full of joy.
"Are we really here?"

"I am, you're just here with your mind, your body is in Assiah, thats also why you are completely unharmed here." She explained, her voice was so soft, when you heard it you felt like you were home again.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now