Deep conversations

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You tightly held onto the waist of the man sitting in front of you. If was someone of the order that picked you up with a quad. It was like a weird and uncomfortable hug, but you didn't really had a choice, you didn't really want to fall off the quad.

What should you do now? You still had Rins sword...but you were still really nervous about meeting the others again.
You couldny really go back to the order because they would lock you up. So where were you supposed to go.
And then you got an idea, how you could kill two birds with one stone.

The quad man brought you back to tokyo from where you took the train to Kyoto. You had a backpack full of everything you needed and a katana that was made with your own blood.
While you were on the train you wrote a little note to Rin so it would be too weird for him.

While you were traveling to Kyoto to drop off the sword somewhere you knew it would be safe, the others went to get Shiemi back.
The Grigori had taken her with them and she obviously wasn't happy, and tge others wanted her to help them with the whole Lucifer situation.
The team wasnt the same without Shiemi, so they were ready to do everything to get her back.

Bon was still very confused since he still didn't know wether his master lied or not. Normally Lewin was a very truthful and honest guy that was just always very sarcastic, so why would he lie about the fact that you were still alive?
He wouldnt believe until he would see you with his own eyes.

"I-I can't go!" Shiemi stuttered with tears in her eyes.

"Oh come on! You obviously aren't happy!" Izumo said, her arms crossed and the usual scowl expression.

"I-its nice to see you guys again...especially you Rin! You look really good with white hair..." she blushed and looked at her feet in embarrassment.
"I really can't go, this is where I belong!"

"Uh, no?! You clearly aren't happy!" Bon didn't take amy of her shit.
"You are coming with us!"

"Yes Bon is right! We wont leave you here!" Rin joined in.

"B-but...." she stuttered, her face red as a tomato.

"No but! Is this why you quit cram school? To do what your family wants you to?" Izumo snapped and Shiemi looked a bit scared.

"Yes this is why I quit cram school...But it was my decision!" She shouted the last part, her hands forming fists.

"Shiemi please! That Ucifer guy wants to destroy the world and we need your help to defeat him! We cant do it without you!" Rin said passionately.

"Its Lucifer..." Bon muttered.

"Whatever! The world will end if we don't do anything!" Rin stepped forward and took Shiemis hands in his.
"Please go with us. We cant do this without you! You are part of the team!"

"So are Yuki chan and Shima and...(Y/N)" Shiemi looked up into Rins blue eyes. That really hurt him, hearing your name was hard, especially in that context.

"Shes not coming back....but you can! We are your friends! Shiemi please!" Rin begged and he was about to go down onto his knees to show Shiemi how important was but she gave in before that.

"They wont let me go...." she muttered with a sad look plastered on her face.

"We just run as fast as we can!" Izumo said and everyone expect Shiemi nodded.

"I cant run in this!" She looked at the traditional clothing she was wearing.

"I'll carry you!" Rin picked her up without waiting for her answer.

"Miss is everything ok in there?" A woman that watched over Shiemi asked from outside the room.

"Yeah! I'm super fine!" Shiemi shouted.
"What are we gonna do now?" She whispered and the others shrugged.

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