Happy End

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Everything went dark as your body went numb.
You wanted to stay awake for longer, but you were too exhausted and tired to stay conscious.

As your body lost consciousness you heard someone running towards you, was it one person or a group? You couldn't tell, they talked but you couldn't understand their words.

Your eyes were already closed and it was only a matter of seconds before your body gave in and fell into a deep slumber.


"Dont worry about it Rin, she's been through worse, you should focus on your recovery too!"
Bon said, trying to cheer up his best friend that only had one thing on his mind.

"I want to see her..."
the white haired boy muttered while clutching onto the sheets of the hospital bed.
He tried to suppress the tears that had formed in his blue eyes and tried to keep them from spilling, but he knew he failed when the salty liquid ran down his cheeks.

"Its ok Rin, cry as much as you want." Bon said, his tone comforting and soft, which was a bit unusual for him.

He knew that Rin was scared to lose you again, and that he wanted to see how you were doing, speak to you, but that wasn't possible at the moment.
Its been three days since the fights and you still hadn't woken up, and Rin...well he wasn't doing that great either.

Due to his tail being completely burned off his body had lost a lot of strength and took a while to regenerate and heal.
He couldn't walk or stand and sometimes the pain was unbearable.

But slowly he grew tired of staying in bed all day and staring out of the same window, looking at the boring scenery every day. He hated the fact that he would have to stay at the hospital for a while.

"Youre getting bored right?" Bon asked with a deadpan expression.

"Im not 'getting' bored, I've been bored for the last two days...even though you guys visit me everyday...This is getting tiring and I wanna get out of here."
He said with a frown, while sounding way more pissed than he wanted to.

"How about I bring a gaming console here tomorrow and we play some Mario cart or smash!?"
Bon suggested and Rins face lit up a bit.

"I would love that!" He said with a bright smile. But even though his smile looked bright as always, Bon knew that it held a little bit of sadness.

"The suns already setting...the visiting times will be over soon..."
Bon muttered as he looked through the window, staring at the sky that slowly changed its color from a light blue to a beautiful yellow.

"Well then...I guess I'll see you tomorrow Bon!"
Rin said with a genuine smile. He looked forward to seeing his friend tomorrow.

Bon stood up and was about to leave the room, but stopped in his tracks when he heard Rin mumble.
"Have you talked to her...?" His voice soft and almost inaudible.

But Bon could hear him. He turned around, looking into his friends blue eyes.
"No...I didn't get a chance to..."
he said, not wanting to worry his best friend by telling him that the person he loves still hasn't woken up.

"Is she still...unconscious?"
He asked, playing around with his hands. Rin seemed very nervous, although he already knew Bons answer, he still wanted to hear it.

The brown haired boy just shook his head, worry and sadness in his expression.
"I saw her, but she still hasn't woken up...Im sorry Rin...but Im sure she'll be with us soon."
He said while cracking a weak smile that wasnt too convincing.

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