Maybe next time

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"Ah fuck!" You screamed as you shot up from the bed you woke up in.
"I fucking hate this!"

Your whole body hurt, you felt really nauseous and you just hated this whole situation.

"I want to see Rin..."

One hour prior to the accident

You were on a mission with your team of special force excorcists. There was a big demon on top of a building and you were supposed to kill it.
Something went wrong, it was stronger than all of you had expected, one of your colleagues was in danger and about to fall down from the building.
You managed to catch him, but you had lost your balance and ended up falling into a quick death.

A scream escaped your lips as you fell from the roof of the ten story building. You knew there was no way you would survive this fall, and just hoped that it would be a quick death.

You hoped that it wouldn't hurt too much after waking up again.

Everytime you knew you were going to die you wondered if you would wake up again. You didn't know the boundaries of your immortality.
But you always emd up surviving and waking up, and you fucking hated it.

Sometimes you thought that you didn't deserve this. That there are so many other people that should be immortal instead of you.

"Fuck..." you muttered as almost every bone in your body was broken after landing on a car.
You just lied there after you had crashed through the cars roof. Everything hurt, but you were still alive.

"I hate this..."

Your teammates stared in shock after they had defeated the demon.
If course they knew what you were and that you technically couldn't die, but it was still shocking for them to see you like this.
The ran down the stairs as as they could, hurrying to get to the car you crashed into.
"(Y/N)?! (Y/N)! Please wake up!" Ellie, the leader of the team shouted as she opened the car door.

"Im fine!" You whispered weakly and lifted up your hand to show a thumbs up.

"You fucking moron, idiot! You scared us!" Ellie scolded as tears formed in her beautiful eyes.

"Im sorry guys, but at least Nicky didn't get hurt!" You smiled weakly.

The others helped you out of the car and sat you down in the big van.

Rins POV

This week was the week we would get to know the special force of the true cross order. I didn't know much about them and also didn't really care.

A young woman showed us around the base and explained some things.
She told us that everyone in her team was an expert for a specific thing and that over the week they would each teach us those things.

"So this is Dina!" The woman pointed to another beautiful woman and I could see that Shima was doing his best to not stare too obviously. "She gets all of our information and knows a lot about demons and plants. She also plans our missions."

"Hey guys!" Dina waved at us and we awkwardly waved back.

"By the way, this is like, our community room...if we are not on missions we meet up here to talk or eat. Tomorrow I want you to wear normal clothes, no one wears a uniform here expect on missions, so please also don't wear one." The woman that had introduced herself as Ellie Williams.
She was something like the leader of the team.
We looked around the room, there were pictures on the wall from missions the team has been on.

"What?! This can't be real!" Bon muttered at he looked at the framed pictures on the wall.

"Whats wrong?" I asked concerned.

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