Do Angels go to heaven?

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"Welcome to heaven (Y/N)." Shiro smiled at you while you were just shocked. Your mouth stood wide open as you tried to process everything.
"God you have grown...last time I saw you, you were only six years old and now you are a beautiful women. And somehow Rin even managed to make you his girlfriend !" He laughed.

"Right...I died...MY HEAD!" You exclaimed and hectically touched your neck.

"Its ok, you will be fine." Shiro said and came walking towards you.

"But...why am I here then?" You aksed confused. "Am I dead?! Is this the end?"

"No, right now your body is still in Assiah and your mind is up here, you are not dead yet."

"What does that mean? So I can go back?" You asked.

"Depends on the price you are willing to pay, If you accept God's deal, yes." He said.

"God's deal?" You were even more confused.

"Come on (Y/N), sit down, so we can talk for a bit." Shiro sat down on one of the wooden benches, and you sat down next to him.

"Hows Rin doing? I heard that it became your duty to protect him." He said while folding his hands.

"He amazed me every day, such a kind and pure soul with always only good intentions...I miss raised him well father Fujimoto." You looked up at the Oldman that was facing forward with a smile on his face.

"Heh, It's nice to hear that...he was a child that caused so much trouble, but I regret nothing."
He paused for a minute and then faced you.
"Its time to say goodbye now and pray."

"B-but we've not talked for long enough! I still have so many questions!" You protested but Shiro shook his head.

"We will see each other again, more often than you might think now. Promise me to look after Rin for me and never forget that everything is going to be fine in the end. If its not fine, Its not the end." With those words Shiro and the church disappeared and you found yourself in the clouds again.

"What?!...what's going on!" Talking to father Fujimoto again didn't help at all, more like the opposite. You were even more confused than before and tried to sort through all of your thoughts.
"This isn't actually my body...because my body is still in my actual body is still missing its head...gross! Will it grow back on? the others know that I'm like not completely dead? What does not completely dead even mean?!" You were frustrated, confused and scared.

"(Y/N)!" You heard a voice call out and you snapped out of your thoughts. A bright golden light blinded you.

"Who are you?" You asked, as you covered your eyes.

"Im what the Christians believe it, I'm God." The voice spoke softly.

"God?!" You tried to look but you couldnt see anything expect bright light that warmed you.

"But I'm not the only God." He said and a bunch of Gods from every religion imaginable appeared. They all had kind faces and instead of being scared, you felt safe.

"To us you are of great value (Y/N)! We believe that Rin okumura, the son of satan will be the saviour of Assiah! Darkness is spreading slowly and we need someone to protect the world and our saviour. I ask you (Y/N), the last Angel. Will you live your live in service of us gods, and make it your duty to protect Rin Okumura and Assiah with your life?"

"YES!" You didn't even hesitate for a second. Did you agree because you were scared if dying, or because you wanted to see everyone again. Or maybe even because you thought of it as your duty to live in the service of God.
No matter what the reason was, you accepted before even really thinking about it.

"Well then, we will lend you our power and your body in Assiah will heal!" God said and suddenly you felt a burning sensation on the back of your neck.
"This is a symbol on our deal, and shall connect your head to your body again." God spoke and you touched the back of your neck.

"A circle?" You asked feeling the perfect circle that was now engraved in your skin.

"It represents your immortality, your life that has no end, just like a circle. The days of dying are over now, you have gained new powers that should make you invincible."

This was all too much for you to process. Everything was way too much and all of your senses were going crazy.

"If you need help, pray, we will come to your aid!" God spoke and all of the other gods said in unison.

"You are almost one of us now
(Y/N)! Never forget who you are and what your duty is! You were born as an angel for a reason, never forget that."

"What will happen to me now?" You asked scared.

"You will wake up"

"What?!" You shot up from a bed, the room you were in was quite small and dark. You were scared and a wave of panic came washing over you.
"Where am I..." you asked.

Your first instinct was to touch your neck.
"So it was real..." you mumbled feeling the circle on the back of your neck.
You heard the beeping of machines and quickly knew what had happened.
"I was in a coma....fuck!"

You threw the blanket that covered your legs off and got out of the hospital bed. You found yourself wearing a hospital gown, and to your surprise, your body didnt feel weak even though it almost died.

You walked out of the room, into a light hallway that was white. Walking over the cold tile floor with your bare feet you began to freeze. Was it winter already? How long has it been?
You had died in the middle of summer...

"Aghhhhhh!" You bumped into a big person.
"Nicky?!" You asked, as you looked up at the big man that was really Nicky.

"(Y/N)! You are awake!" He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly. "I tought you would never wake up again!"

"Me too..."

"I have a lot to tell you...A LOT has happened!" Nicky said as he dragged you into a room that had a table and some chairs in it.

"Tell me everything!"


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the story so far😊
It could take a bit until the next chapter comes out because I still need to catch up with the manga. Also the next chapter will contain mayor manga spoilers.
Thanks for sticking around and reading my story!💞💕

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