Video games

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Rin and you spent most of the evening playing video games and talking.
The two of you played overwatch and of course Rin played as Genji and forced you to be Mercy and only heal him.

"You know I was pretty jealous when Bon hugged you today..." Rin said, his eyes not leaving the TV screen.

"It wasnt a big deal, he knew I needed to be comforted so he did his best to be there for me as a friend. Just forget about it, you are the only man thats important to me!" You said and kissed him on the cheek.

"(Y/N), can I ask something about your immortality?" Rin was hesitant but you knew it was important.

"Sure, just ask." You smiled kindly and he played around with his thumb as he thought about how formulate his question.

"Earlier you said that nothing lives forever....does that mean you will die and how do you know that you really are you really know that you will wake up again. And why did all those angels die in the blue night?!" Rin blurted out.

"Wow thats a lot." You took a moment to process everything he had said.
"Ok so yes I don't live forever, someday my time will be over, I just live so much longer than anything else on this earth. I dont know the boundaries of my immortality. So I don't know if I would survive being blown into pieces or being beheaded."

"Then why are you this reckless!" Rin was clearly upset.

"Because I want to use this long live to do good things and help others. I may never know if I will survive, but somehow I always do, and I can proudly say that I don't regret a single death. To answer your last question, it seems that satans flames are one of the things that are strong enough to kill an angel, I dont know why I survived seems like God still had a plan for me."

"You are such an idiot do you know that!? Promise me that you will take more care of yourself! I don't want to lose you (Y/N)!" Rin pouted and you hugged him.

"Then promise me to also always take care, you are the most important thing in my life!" You said and Rin hugged back.

"Do you like living like this?" He mumbled.

"In the past I didn't, but now that I have you, I have a purpose." You kissed his soft lips.

"I love you..." Rin muttered into the kiss.

"Fuck, we are gonna be late!" You shot up.
Rin and you had slept in on the couch and forgot to set an alarm.
"Get up Rin, if we hurry up we can still catch the train!" You said while already putting on shoes.

"You can walk again?" Rin mumbled still half asleep.

"Yup, put some clothes on, we need to go!" You threw a pair of shorts at him and he catched them.

The two of you ran as fast as you could and didn't eat breakfast bit ended up catching the train and making it on time.

"Hey guys!" You said to the others that were waiting in the community room.

"You are the worst teacher ever! We waited outside because we cant get in without you! Nicky let us in." Izumo was pissed.

"Sorry I overslept." You rubbed the back of your neck.

"Clearly the two of you spent the night together!"

"Ehhhh anyways....lets go to the car...the shooting range is somewhere else." You said and lead the way to the garage.

"Who's gonna drive?" Shima asked.

"Uhmmm, Me." You simply said, and  opened the car door for everyone.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now