This sucks

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"Are you ok?" Rin whispered as the group walked to the location of the demon.

"Yeah, why?" You replied and looked into his blue eyes.

"Just asking because of the nightmares..." Rin said, sounding a bit worried.
You smiled at him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Im fine Rin, don't worry. I havent had any nightmares since the day you slept over." You said and he smiled.
"Thats nice to hear...but what about what happened today?" He asked, his face showing worry once again.

"Rin- Im fine, dont worry! Yes it was a bit...much, was OK." You tried to sound convincing but in reality you just couldnt get the image of the dead woman out of your head.
"I dont quite believe you." Rin replied and frowned a bit.

"It was just...sometimes humans are weird...I didn't expect her to jump but at the same time it makes sense why she did it." You mumbled while playing around with your fingers.
"Please, lets not talk about this anymore..."

"Ok." Rin smiled at you and took your hand, holding it in his.

"Hey you little love birds, you better be quiet now, we are getting closer to the demon." Lightning said and as he mentioned that you were getting close to the demon, you noticed that you could already smell it.
You looked at Rin and knew that he felt the demon too.

"Whats our plan?" You asked.

" about...the hunter and prey method?" Lightning suggested.

"Ok, I can be the prey!" You said, raising your hand and your friends looked at you confused.

"Uhhmm, what is the hunter and prey method?" Bon asked, obviously he was pretty confused.
Lighting laughed and then answered.
"I thought you know everything! Basically one person is the 'prey' the run as fast as they can and the demon runs after them. When the demon is distracted the 'hunter' can exorcise it. This method is very effective when the demon is fast and too strong to beat in a direct fight." He explained while doing gestures with his hands.

"Uhh (Y/N) is the prey?" Bon asked and you nodded.
"And the rest will be the hunters! Lets go!" Lightning said enthusiastically.

You ran as fast as you could and it didnt take long until the demon was devoured by bright blue flames.
You looked at the blue flames, still amazed by their beautiful even though you had seen them hundreds of times before.

"We should head back now, we still have a lot of studying to do!" Bon said and the rest nodded.
"Why did we even had to come?! (Y/N) and Lighting could have easily done this alone!" Rin grumled and you giggled.

"You dont like going on missions with me?!" You joked and he immediately defended himself.
"No! Thats not what I meant!"

"I know." You kindly smiled at him and he relaxed again.
"We could go to my dorm and study together..." Rin suggested.

"Sounds great! Will you be joining us (Y/N)? You would be a big help..." Bon asked and you shook your head.
"Im sorry, but I still have some things to do."

Bon put a hand on your shoulder and looked into your eyes.
"Please dont overwork yourself...have some free time as well, I think today was already enough work for you." He said and you smiled.
"Thanks for worrying about me Ryuji, I will try to pamper myself after work, but I really need to do some things before that." You said and he nodded, and hugged you.
"Just don't forget to take care of yourself, if you need to talk-"

"I know, I can always talk to you!" You said with a smile and Ryuji lightly kissed your forehead.

"See ya!" You yelled as they walked  towards Rins dorm when you had come back to tokyo.

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