Arc Kinght

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"(Y/N) (L/N)!" Your name echoed through the big room while you fekt like your body couldnt move anymore.
You felt as if your body was made of stone.

"Whats wrong?" Shura asked.

"I don't know if I'm ready for this....I...can't..." you muttered.

"Only you can truly know that you are ready, but I think you are, so go onto that stage and decide what to do!" Shura said and gently pushed you forward.

With shaky steps you walked to the stage and up the stairs.
The Grigori gestured you to kneel down on the stoll that was located on the middle of the stage.
You slowly kneeled down and memories of your graduation ceremony made their way into your mind. Back then you were so young, so innocent but most importantly you were alone and scared of almost everything.
Now you were not alone anymore and your friends made you feel strong. Your friends gave you the feeling that you don't have to br scared if anything and made you feel like you actually had a he and a place where you were loved.

You might have grown up and were not a child anymore, but were you ready to be an arc knight? You knew that it would come with a lot of responsibilities and you weren't sure if you were ready for that.

"(Y/N) (L/N), you are the one chosen by us Grigori and the true cross order to take the place of Drac Dragulesc that has betrayed us. Will you accept the title arc knight and do you swear to always protect the order and humankind from demons and other enemies?
Do you swear to never betray us and to always serve the order?" She looked at you while you tried to figure out what to do.

This was way too much. A thousand thoughts clouded your mind and your head felt like it was about to explode.
Your whole body was trembling and seconds that passsed felt like hours.

This was ridiculous. Why didn't they tell you beforehand that you were a candidate for this position? Why did they have to surprise you? And what would happen  if you say no? Would they accept it and have a plan B? Or would it turn into a very awkward situation?

"Yes!" You almost shouted.
"I'll do it!"

The room went completely silent.

"Well then you are now possession the title arc knight congratulations
(Y/N) (L/N)! You have made it! Everyone! Clap for (Y/N) (L/N)!"

The whole audience started clapping and the applause made you blush.
You halo was glowing brightly as it hovered above your head and you knew that he was watching in this moment, and he was proud.

"Wow, for once I thought that we are better than you and then you are announced as the knew arc knight!" Bon said as all of you walked out of the building. His lips formed a wide smirk and he spread out his arms and engulfed you in a hug.

"Sorry that I kinda missed stole the show..." you muttered and Bon squeezed you even tighter.

"Dont feel bad! We all are so proud! It was such a surprise that you are the new arc knight!" He said as he let go of you.

"Yeah...I didn't expect it either...Lightning had told me that they were revoking Dragulescs title but I wasn't expecting that I would take his place..." you muttered while scratching the back of your neck.

"Your perfectly fit for the job!" Rin said with a bright and wide smile that made you feel warm inside.

"Thank you!" You smiled at him and then looked at all of your friends.
"Im so proud of you guys! You made it!!!"

"Group hug!!!" All of you hugged each other forming a big ball consisting of people.

"Its crazy...what we've been waiting for for do long has finally happened now...WE ARE EXCORCISTS!!" Ryuji cheered and you smiled at him. It was rare to see him this excited and happy.

"Fuck yeah we made it!!!" Rin shouted whike jumping up in the air.

"We should celebrate, I'll treat all of you to dinner!" You said and everyone got even more excited.


"Oh, you'll get your reward later." You whispered into Rins esr and winked at him which made him blush. He nodded while his face turned cherry red.

In the end you also invited Dieter to eat with all of you and he happily tagged along.

"Enajoy your meal!" Everyone saod in unison.

"Dieter, how do you say enjoy your meal in german?" Bon asked, because he was curious.

"Oh we say Guten Appetit!" Dieter explained and everyone tried to say it but failed miserably.
"Dont worry about it, german is a hard language to learn!" Dieter tried to make everyone feel better.

"Where exactly from Germany are you?" Bon asked. He really seemes interested in Dieter and his history.

"From Berlin...I know kinda cliché and lame..." he chuckled.

"What is it like in Berlin?" Rin asked.

"Well...crowded...there are all kinds of people from all around the world. The people aren't ashamed to be themselves and you kinda feel free? And like you can be anything?" Dieter tried to explain.

"That sounds cool!" Rins eyes lit up.

"It guys should visit Berlin one day..."

For the rest of the time you just chit chatted about unimportant things.
If was really nice to just talk to youf friends without having to worry about anything at the moment.

You kicked off your shoes and let yourself fall down on Rins soft bed.

"So what kind of reward were you talking about earlier?" Rin asked with a smirk.

"Why are you asking if you already know the answer?"

"Because I wanna hear it from you!" His smirk grew wider and you could already feel yourself getting wet.

You chuckled and then muttered
"Daddy~ Excorcise me!"

"Oh you naught really seems like you need an excorcist...seems like today's your lucky day, cause I just became one." He leaned down, kissing your neck and sucking on your earlobe.

Little moans escaped your mouth but they were quickly muffled when Rins soft lips met yours.

You knew that you wouldn't get much sleep today.

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