Field trip

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"We are going on a field trip tomorrow, so pack up everything you need we will meet here." Yukio said while handing out information papers.

Everyone cheered, but you on the other hand weren't really that excited.

"Shura Kirigakure and I will be the teachers looking out for you." Yukio said after he was done handing out everything. "Do yo have any questions?"

You raised your hand. "What will be the purpose of this trip?" You asked.

"Exorcist training. We want you to fight demons and learn." He simply said, cold as always.

"Where are we going?" Shiemi asked.

"Into a forest in, we will be camping there in tents for three days, you just have to bring clothes because the tents will be provided by the school."

Oh wow the generous Mephisto is providing us with tents...

"If there are no other questions you can leave now, I will see all of you tomorrow!" Yukio said and then packed his things to leave.

"Ughhh what should I pack?" You mumbled looking at your clauset.

After about two hours of packing things into and out of your bag again and contemplating about what you really needed you were done. 
Your bag looked like it was about to explode but you were sure that you had only packed the essentials.

"I have a rain jacket, hairties, a sleeping bag, my pistol in knive...just in case, pajamas, some spare clothing and my toiletries. I should be ready to go..." you said to yourself as you wiped off the sweat on your forehead.

"Now that I think about it, this could be pretty fun...but still I should always keep an eye open, danger is everywhere and I have to protect Rin!"

You went to bed early because you knew that the trip would be exhausting and that you wouldnt get much sleep.

"Ahhhh" Shima screamed at a bug the moment you had arrived at the forest you were going to camp in.

"Shima always was afraid of bugs..." Konekomaru said, as all of you watched Shima.

"Lets get going class. At daytime this forest is very peaceful but the moment the sun sets its full of low class demons." Yukio explained as all of you started walking through the forest.
It was really warm and almost no one was motivated to walk that much.

"Ughhhh its so hot." You mumbled as you just kept on walking. Looking over the Rin he seemed totally fine, he was even carrying Shuras bag too.

"How do you have that much energy...." you murmured. 

"I guess I am just excited." He said with a blinding smile.

"Ok the boys will set up the tents and the girls will draw under the observation of Kirigakure Sensai the magical circle around the base and will cook dinner. " Yukio instructed and then took off his coat.

Shiemi, Izumo and you started cooking after you were done painting the circle, and well it didn't go too well. Izumo ended up cutting herself and Rin just completely took over and ended up cooking a meal that was really delicious.

He looked really happy today, just like you he must have realized that he has friends now.

But the peaceful atmosphere didnt last very long, because your practical exam was about to start. It was already dark and you could smell the demons lurking in every corner.

"Ok I will now explain the practical exam that you have to pass to be able to go on exorcist missions. " Yukio said and then went on talking about what you had to do.
Basically there were lanterns in the firest that you gad to light up and bring back to the forest. But there were only three lanterns for seven people, making it a real competition.

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