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"Its a beautiful sword...if you don't mind Rin, I would like to see its blade." Konekomaru said, looking at the sword that Rin was just gifted.
He pulled the sword out of its seath, revealing its deep red blade.

Bon ghastped, recognizing what type of sword this was.
"A blood blade?!" He muttered to himself.

"What is that? A blood blade?" Rin asked, not knowing anything as always.

"The blade of this sword is made of steal and blood...angel blood...who would-" Bon was cut off by one of the Shima brothers storming into the room.

"Some weird demons are attacking the city! They can't die and look like burned humans! We need any help we can get!" He shouted in-between heavy breaths, he must have been running.

"Ok!" Bon jumped up from his seat, grabbing his bazooka and was closely followed by the others.

"Looks like you'll get to try your sword now!" Bon smirked at his friend.

"Yeah! Let's fight!" Rin was motivated.

"Ohhh fuck I forgot my jacket!" It had already gotten dark as you were walking through the streets of Kyoto and noticed that you had forgotten your jacket at the inn. You had wondered why the people were staring at you like you were an alien, but after noticing that you werent wearing a jacket in the middle of winter it made total sense that everyone stared at you.

You cursed while you quickly headed back to the inn. It was a long way so you decided to run as fast as you could.
Running very fast turned out to be a horrible decision.
It only took someone that was driving way too fast, you not paying enough attention and the snow that covered the street for you to be completely run over by a big black car.

You would have been dead, if you could have died. But because you couldnt die anynore you were lying on the street, your body being in severe pain and a big wound on your head.
The pavement was so cold, you were freezing but at the same time you felt numb.
Bruises and cuts were all over your body, a big dent was now a part of the cars engine hood and overall the whole scene just looked scary.

"Oh my god are you ok?" The driver asked as he stepped out of his car.

"Uhhhhm...I dont know." You said and looked around. Why was everyone running?
"What's going on? Where are they going?" You asked as you slowly got up, your body hurting with every move you made.

"They are running away...there are demons in the city...are you sure I shouldn't call you an ambulance?" The man asked, he was clearly panicking.

"N-No...can you drive me to where the demons are? I'm an exorcist." That was a lie because you had lost your exorcist license, but the man felt bad for running you over so he didn't ask any questions and just gestured you to get into the car.

It was weird sitting in the car that ran you over, and the man probably just drove you because he felt bad and thought that it would keep you from calling the police on him.
And it did, you werent planning on  calling the police, you had bigger problems at the moment.

You looked at yourself, using the mirror of the sun visor. It was to no ones surprise that you looked awful. You looked like you should be dead, well because you should be dead, but there wasn't much you could do about it.

Your nose was bleeding and so was the big wound on the side of your head. You had blood in your hair and all over your face, and there probably wasn't a part of your body that wasn't bruised.
You groaned as a wave of pain hit your whole body.

"Are you ok?" The man asked nervously, he probably thought you were about to die in his car.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine." You mumbled with an awkward smile.

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