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Well I might as well get something else to eat since my mam shoved me out the house before I could even finish my breakfast. I sat at the table at the back. A brown haired woman about 21-23 years was ready to take my order.

What will you be having? Her voice was cheerful . I just ordered a slice of my favourite cake and a cupper tea . She soon came back with my food and placed it in front of me. That'll be 2:50 please. I checked my pockets and pulled out the exact amount of change. I dropped it into her open palm . She cheerfully skipped behind the counter. I took a spoonful of cake and nibbled it before doing it again and again. Before I knew it the cake was gone. Jeez I must have been hungry. I took a sip of my tea before jugging it of. I slid  off the seat and made my way out. Bye Y/N! I looked over to the counter to see the owner waving. I smiled and did a little way before walking away.

I'm not really in the mood to buy anything so I'll just head to the park instead. The park was full of young kids and adults who were looking around for there kids frantically. I myself headed into the woodland bit and sat under the trees. I pulled out my book and sat and read. I was caught of guard when a dog snuck its nose under my book. Before long the hole dog was sitting on me and my book was on top of its head. I think the dog was a German Shepard but it wasn't fully grown. I lost my hand within its fur and  its tongue slit up my face. Really yuck! I giggled frantically at its attempted to lick me. The owner soon arrived and started to laugh as I was buried under her dog. Here titch , come here girl. She did what she was told and removed herself from me . I once again returned to my book.

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