My first mission

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The street was lined with little house that all looked the same to me but had small little differences like how one had a bush and the other didn't. Are you sure you want to do this I can lie and say that I killed you. Jeff you know that won't work he doesn't seem that stupid so just let me do it after seeing you walk In covered in blood it doesn't scare me any more.

We soon arrived at a house at the end of the street. Jeff stood at the front of the path and let me walk to the house myself. The door was locked but a window was open. I pushed the small lock on the side of the window and pulled it open. I pulled myself in and looked around the house before instantly knocking who lived here . It's Wendy and Adams house my mam was friends with these. Oh god there such nice people but I have to kill them. I slapped myself back into reality and blocked my thoughts out. I made my way up the stairs and held my breath nervously. I soon made it to the bedroom door the sweat was pouring down me. I pushed the door open and pulled the knife out of my pocket. I slowly made my way over to the bed . Adam was the first next to me. I gently placed my hand on his mouth and placed my knife on his throat. His eyes slowly opened before going wide. He went to squirm and screamed but I buried the knife deep within his neck before slowly pulling it out. I then placed both of my hands onto his mouth and tried to stop him. His arm fell and hit her in the side of her face. Her eyes opened before she screamed and fell off the bed and ran past me. I turned frantically and grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back . I stabbed her shoulder but her hair snapped and she was running again. She slipped and fell down the stairs and tried to crawl into the kitchen.i was only steps behind her .

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now