The same bed

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His bed was surprisingly comfortable and it was very warm. I cant believe I asked him that though! Then I froze as two arms wrapped around me and pulled me next to him. Is he snuggling me. My face went red in almost and instant I tried to squirm but he was far to strong. But I secretly kinda liked it... I felt safe in his arms. Wait why would I feel safe he's a killer have I got Stockholm syndrome or something???

His breath was warm against my neck . I snuggled myself next to him and let a small grunt of satisfaction escape my lips. Just because I enjoyed this doesn't mean I'm not gonna try to escape from him . I wonder does my mam even know I'm gone? Are you a sleep yet? Jeffs voice was faint as if he wasn't trying to wake me up if I was asleep. Yes I'm awake why? Why am I making you uncomfortable or something? I hesitated and thought about what I should say. No not really I'm just thinking. Off what might I ask. I turned pink and squirmed a little. I was just thinking about why I'm here and why you didn't kill me. He stayed silent for many moments before finally speaking. I guess I just don't want to. I wanted to ask one more question but my eyes shut and the hole world faded away.

God I really don't know why i didn't kill her... I am a killer after all. I could hear her faint snoring and it snapped me from my thoughts. I tightened my grip around her and pulled her in a tad bit more and rested my head on hers. She's kinda cute when she's asleep . Am I moving to fast.. what if she doesn't like me back...shit then I'll have to kill her... only if necessary. This thought echoed around my head before leaving me be . I snuggled into her one last time before falling to sleep.
Night Y/N.....

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now