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I sat in the corner and rocked back and forth while hugging my legs. I don't want to be here anymore....I feel like he's gonna kill me if he snaps again and i really miss my mam and my friends. Why does he want to keep me? I can't believe he even carved his fucking name into me. Has he just claimed me as his own... I don't want to be his.

I stood up and tried to pull the door open before kicking it. Sadly the door was solid and wouldn't even crack. I walked over to his bed and peaked under it. I grabbed my mouth and tried not to gag. That's a lot of blood . It was  splashed up the side of the wall and the carpet under the bed was drenched in it the I noticed a faint drag mark. It looks like someone was hiding under here but didn't stay under there for long. God I can smell the blood. I crawled back over to the shelf on the over side of the room. 3 books lay toppled over and one knife next to them. How many knifes does this guy own. His room has nothing useful at all .

I wonder how long he's gonna be..... I hope he's gone for a while. I curled back into my corner and closed my eyes and aloud myself to fall asleep.

God why does she keep pushing me away ... I'm being nice! I pulled my knife out and imbedded it into the mans body who lay in front of me. Blood squirted up the side of me. Is this why she doesn't like me? In my opinion it's perfectly normal everyone in the mansion agrees why can't she accept it?

Why can't I bring myself to kill her if I did then I wouldn't have to feel this way. Once again I dug my knife back in the man. Is this the only way I can release the stress and anger I have ? Maybe I can make her like me ...then maybe she'll understand me and won't push me away. Shit how am I going to make her kill .... is she just to innocent to do it ..... I'll have to think of something else to get her to like me......

Killer couple  ( Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now