He saved me?

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He turned and looked at me with relief in his eyes. He walked over to me and knelt down in front of me and wiped the blood off my cheek. He really hurt you didn't he? I could see the anger in eyes and the hurt. He scooped his hands under me and picked me up.

I snuggled myself into his chest i could feel his warm . I didn't want him to find me at first but I'm honestly glad that he did. My body was worn out and i couldn't keep myself awake. My eyes slipped down and I dozed off into a deep sleep.

She snuggled into my chest and clung onto me . I'm gland I found her before it was to late but why didn't she listen to me I told her to stay near the lake but she had to run off. My fists clenched once again and my teeth grinned . Her faint snoring snapped me out of my anger. I looked down at her to see her still clung to me  . She's pretty cute when she's asleep. The wind was badly blowing and  she started to shiver in my arms.

I placed her down on the floor before I took my hoodie off and placed in her before picking her back up. I started to pick up my pace as the rain started to come down. I leaned forward to try to block the rain off of her. Leaves started to blow into my face and the ground became slippy . The moon was blocked by the clouds so it became dark. I squinted repeatedly just so I could make out shapes. I was starting to shake as the cold wrapped around me like a blanket. The blood from my arms was leaving a trail behind me along with Y/N.

His body was slowly going into shock off the cold. Lights started to make its way through the trees before a building came to view. Come on I can make it... I can't let her freeze. I kicked the door repeatedly before it finally opened . I walked in shaking. EJ rushed over and looked me up and down. What the hell happened ? He went to grab me but I shoved his hand and scowled. Just get the medical shit and bring it to my room. I ran up the stairs and kicked my door open. I place her on the bed and removed her dress  examine her cuts. EJ ran in with the meds and chucked them to Jeff. Now leave me alone!My  voice was almost sad. EJ backed away and left Jeff and Y/N alone.

I removed the pads and places them on her many wounds before wrapping the bandages around her waist and her arms. The last thing I did was place a small plaster on her cheek. The last thing i did was place the blanket on her and I hugged her before slowly falling to sleep next to her.

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