Do i fit in now?

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It was silent on the way back and I was feeling like an idiot for going coo coo back there. His hand slit off my wrist and back  on to my hand. Sorry I slapped you I thought it was the only way to knock any sense into you, he rubbed his head in embarrassment. It's fine I was acting like a fuckin weirdo . I thought you were innocent but from what I saw I guess I was wrong. He just chucked to himself.

We made it to the mansion and he pushed the door open for me. Once again everyone was watching me but this time it wasn't what a predator would give its prey but it was something different. Some chuckles  and some looked wide eyed or the overs would remain emotionless. I went to walk up the stairs but was stopped by a blonde boy who was dress like link. So your the new girl ... your different from the over girls around here more pretty I have to say ~ he went to grab my wrist but Jeff pulled it away. Don't you touch her Ben she's mine not yours right! Ben just shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

I on the over hand was enjoying the little fight over me .. it can make a girl feel special. Don't mind him he's just a perverted geek, he make sure to growl with this sentence. Wait do you want to meet some of the people here? My eyes widened. Yeah sure! He laughed at how excited I was. Just to warn you some of them might ignore you or might tell you to go away so let me point you to who you should talk to.

He pushed my back down the stairs and into the living room. He grabbed my hand defensively and pulled me . This Eyeless jack but he goes by EJ. Oh so your Y/N well hi I guess, his voice was emotionless and quite making him a little bit mysterious. A little girl was sat in the corner playing with some dolls. She was a little bit shy but when she saw Jeff holding my hand she became hyper. Oh hi I'm sally and I know who you are your Y/N your really pretty ... do you wanna play with me? Her eyes went wide like a puppy's. No not today sally she's busy sorry, Jeff pulled my away . This is our dog smile. It was black and red and I think it was a husky. It tilted its head and let out a faint growl. I slowly placed my hand on its head and stroked. It didn't bite but let me pet him instead. There was a boy sitting at the table eating waffles. He had brown hair and some Goggles resting on his head. His mouth was half exposing the inside to the point were you could see his teeth. He also had some small axe like objects placed beside him.
Y/N this is ticci Toby . H...hi ..Y/N's ..nice .to meet, each word he ticked . We walked back into the living room were I looked around to greet someone else but instead the ether walked away or mouthed the words go away.

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