Ok then

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Jeff pulled me to one last person. This time it was a girl with blonde hair and black eyes . This is judge angels and angel This is Y/N. She hesitated before speaking. your honesty not what I was expecting ... no offence but I was expecting someone similar to  Nina of Jane but I guess I was wrong. I was confused because I didn't know who Jane or Nina was .

Jeff who is Nina and Jane ? He sighed before speaking. Janes my ex who wants to stab me to death and Nina is a freak who has a slight obsession with me that all. I wasn't expecting to hear that. Theres a  bit more to that story. Angels said this before walking away. What does she mean? Fine you caught me out the Nina thing is true but well with Jane I kinda made her fall in love with me and then I killed everyone she loved. Why would you do that ?

I can't remember now. He soon started to drag me again and we were back in the room . I sat in the bed and yawned repeatedly. Yeah  it has been a long day so night then Y/N. After saying this he curled up in the bed with me.

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